Les Burkinabè et les Guinéens viennent en renfort au nord du Mali verser épauler face à la Minusma aux jihadistes Qui reprennnent du terrain. En tout, CE SONT Quelque 1 500 hommes supplementaires Qui doivent
SELON l’ONU, des Policiers de la Minusma are aux responsables de la mort de trois Maliens à Gao en janvier
L’Enquête de l’ONU sur la mort de Trois manifestants à Gao en janvier, ne pas les conclusions rendues were Publiques jeudi, une conclu- à la Responsabilité D’une unité de la police de la Minusma. Les
Mali : L’opposition dénonce l’accord de paix
Une dizaine de partis de l’opposition malienne critiquent le pré-accord signé par le gouvernement le 1er mars à Alger. Dans une déclaration commune, plusieurs partis de l’opposition malienne dont l’URD de Soumaila Cissé et le
Two UN peacekeepers die in Mali in helicopter crash
A U.N. helicopter crashed Tuesday in Mali, killing two Dutch peacekeepers. The two members of the United Nations’ Minusma mission were the only two on board the Apache helicopter when it crashed around 1 p.m.
Saharawis Mark 39th Anniversary since First Government
Thirty nine years pass today, Thursday, since the establishment of the first Saharawi government on 5 March 1976, just five days following the proclamation of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR). The government was formed
MINUSMA Chief: Mali Agreement, foundation for long lasting peace
Moncef Mongi, head of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), one of the international organizations involved in the inclusive inter-Malian dialogue, said that the signing Sunday, in Algiers, of the agreement
Malian parties agree to sign peace agreement
The Malian parties involved in the dialogue for the settlement of the crisis in Northern Mali signed Sunday in Algiers a peace and reconciliation agreement under the supervision of the international mediation, chaired by Algeria,
EU reaffirms commitment to International Mediation in Mali
European Union Foreign Affairs Council, met recently in Brussels, stressed EU’s commitment to international mediation led by Algeria to reach a political, all-inclusive and lasting solution in Mali, the ministry of Foreign Affairs said Thursday
Another conference on Mali situation resumes in Algeria
The fifth inclusive inter-Malian dialogue has started Monday afternoon in Algiers between Mali’s government and the representatives of the politico-military groups of northern Mali. The different parties involved in Algeria-sponsored negotiation process, which began in
Tolérance ethnique et tribale en Mauritanie : De la nature même intolérante du système social
La tolérance, mot d’origine latine dont ‘’tolerare’’ qui signifierait la capacité qu’a une personne de supporter ou d’accepter ce qu’il devrait refuser dans les normes, la vertu de s’ouvrir à ce dont nos propres convictions