Une nouvelle fois, la mission onusienne au Mali a été endeuillée hier jeudi 15 octobre, à Kidal. Un engin explosif improvisé (EEI) a explosé au passage d’un véhicule de la MINUSMA, vers 13h30, à environ

Une nouvelle fois, la mission onusienne au Mali a été endeuillée hier jeudi 15 octobre, à Kidal. Un engin explosif improvisé (EEI) a explosé au passage d’un véhicule de la MINUSMA, vers 13h30, à environ
Yemen Amid rising COVID-19 cases, fighting between govt forces and Huthis in north and cross-border attacks between Huthis and Saudi Arabia intensified, while tensions in south de-escalated.
Following a recent offensive over the last few weeks in Yemen’s northern al Jawf Governorate, the Houthi insurgency has reported that its forces are in ‘full control’ of the area.
Communiqué du Gouvernement de la République du Mali suite à l’attaque terroriste contre la position des FAMa à Tarkint, dans la région de Gao
The U.S. Africa Command bombed an al-Shabaab compound near Dujuuma, Somalia, on Sunday, the seventh in a series of strikes on the terrorist group this month in operations coordinated with the Somalia government.
A short video uploaded online appears to show a cadre of jihadists in Mali’s central Segou Region pledging allegiance to Abu Ibrahim al Hashimi al Qurayshi, the newly appointed leader of the Islamic State.
A Libyan man who acted as a scout for the Islamist militia that stormed the US consulate in Benghazi in 2012 was sentenced to 19 and a half years in prison Thursday by a federal
Les manifestations réclamant le départ des forces étrangères se sont multipliées ces derniers mois. Certains y voient le résultat d’une manipulation.
Boko Haram jihadists gunned down 19 cattle herders Saturday in northeast Nigeria, civilian militia sources and residents told AFP on Sunday.
Scores of Houthi rebels were killed and a commander was injured in clashes with government forces in western Yemen, the country’s army said on Wednesday.