United Arab Emirates State Minister for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said on Monday that the priority in Yemen is confronting the coup by the Iran-backed Houthi militias.
AU strongly condemns terrorist attack in Burkina Faso that killed 24 soldiers
Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, on Thursday condemned a recent terrorist attack that targeted a military base in Burkina Faso that left at least 24 soldiers dead.
Are DRC, Mozambique Insurgencies a Real IS Threat?
Experts are warning that a focus on alleged Islamist militant ties is hindering efforts to respond to insurgencies in Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Somalia State Key to War on Islamist Militants Re-Elects Leader
Somalia’s southern state of Jubaland extended its leader’s rule by four years in an election that will have repercussions extending beyond a region that’s at the forefront of a battle against al-Qaeda-linked militants.
LNA Accuses Qatar of Being ‘Terrorism Base’
The Libyan National Army (LNA) – commanded by Chief Marshal Khalifa Haftar – accused Qatar again of becoming a base for terrorism in Libya.
Épidémie d’Ebola en RDC : 1905 décès en un an
La fièvre hémorragique d’Ebola a tué 1 905 personnes en une année en République démocratique du Congo, où 844 patients ont été déclarés guéris, d’après les chiffres publiés jeudi par les autorités sanitaires congolaises.
Tchad : une femme kamikaze tue six personnes dans l’ouest du pays
Six personnes ont été tuées dans un attentat perpétré dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi 14 août par une femme kamikaze liée à Boko Haram dans l’ouest du Tchad, a déclaré un officier de
Shabaab’s jihad against the ‘leaders of disbelief’
Shabaab, al Qaeda’s branch in East Africa, has released a lengthy video that is intended to justify its jihad against the Somali government and opposition to allegedly illegitimate rulers elsewhere. The production is the third
Al Qaeda releases ‘blooper reel’ of Islamic State videos amid jihadi spat
Al-Qaeda has released embarrassing outtakes from an Islamic State propaganda video of fighters in Yemen, in an attempt to undermine its bitter rival.
Somalia Assesses Al-Shabab Moles’ Infiltration of Government
The July 24 suicide bombing that killed the mayor of Somalia’s capital was disturbing on multiple levels, security experts say. Abdirahman Omar Osman was slain by one of his own aides, who was female and