Eastern Libyan forces on Monday mounted an air strike on the central city of Sirte held by the internationally recognised government, an official and residents said, widening a conflict engulfing the capital Tripoli.
The Secret of Yemen’s War? We Can End It
And we must, before it blows up the rest of the Middle East. Yemen’s war has to end. And the secret is that the way it ends is no secret at all.
Violences xénophobes en Afrique du Sud : hué au Zimbabwe, Ramaphosa présente ses « excuses »
Le président sud-africain a été hué, samedi, lors des obsèques de Robert Mugabe au Zimbabwe après les récentes émeutes dirigées contre des étrangers qui ont secoué l’Afrique du Sud. Il a présenté ses « excuses
Centrafrique : l’allègement de l’embargo sur les armes ne va pas bouleverser la donne
L’assouplissement de l’embargo de l’ONU sur les armes à destination de la Centrafrique est une victoire symbolique pour le régime de Bangui. Mais il ne devrait pas bouleverser la donne à court terme entre l’armée
Terrorisme : la Cedeao se dote d’un plan d’action à un milliard de dollars pour contrer les jihadistes
À l’issue de son sommet extraordinaire à Ouagadougou, samedi 14 septembre, la Cedeao a décidé de se doter d’un plan d’action pour la période 2020-2024 afin d’améliorer la lutte contre le terrorisme. L’organisation sous-régionale prend
Saudi attack likely originated in Iran or Iraq, senior administration official says
A day after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blamed Iran for the attack on Saudi oil facilities and argued there is “no evidence the attacks came from Yemen,” a senior administration official briefed CNN on
Crown Prince: Saudi Arabia Capable of Confronting Terrorist Attack
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense received on Saturday a telephone call from US President Donald Trump, the Saudi Press Agency reported.
Egyptian police kill terrorist group in North Sinai
Egyptian police forces killed a terrorist group during a shootout in the country’s restive North Sinai Province, Egyptian Ministry of Interior announced Sunday.
Islamic State fills the void in Nigeria as soldiers retreat to ‘super camps’
When Islamic State gunmen stormed the northeast Nigerian town of Magumeri on the night of August 21, they had free rein.
Cameroon soldiers killed in ‘Boko Haram’ attack near Fotokol
Six Cameroonian soldiers were killed in the Far North Region near the border with Nigeria in an attack blamed on “Boko Haram,” authorities said on Sunday.