MINUSMA ended its presence in the Kidal region today, following the departure of its last personnel by air and land convoy. The last convoy of peacekeepers left Kidal by road this morning for Gao, and
UN peacekeepers have departed a rebel stronghold in northern Mali early as violence increases
United Nations peacekeepers on Tuesday withdrew from a rebel stronghold in northern Mali weeks earlier than planned because of growing insecurity, leaving the town in the hands of ethnic Tuareg separatists. Underscoring the uptick in
Executive Summary Following a series of clan uprisings against al-Shabaab in the central regions of thecountry, in August 2022 the federal government of Somalia, working alongside clanmilitias known collectively as the Macawiisley, launched an offensive
Africa’s Crisis of Coups
Africa’s spate of military coups is a direct challenge to civilian led democratic governance. Building on long legacies of military government, the coups reflect African militaries’ attempt to reassert their perceived entitlement to rule.
Term Limit Evasions and Coups in Africa:Two Sides of the Same Coin
Term limit evasions are at the root of a host of governance dysfunctions in Africa and are linked to higher levels of autocracy, corruption, conflict, and propensity for coups. Highlights Coup Leaders and Military Governments
Bamako accuse la MINUSMA d’avoir précipité son retrait d’une base sans la rétrocéder
Plus de 5800 militaires et civils de la Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations unies pour la stabilisation au Mali (MINUSMA), sur quelque 15 000 hommes, ont définitivement quitté le pays à la date du 24
The failed lessons of Libya
Europe has only itself to blame for the refugee crisis On 11 September, massive floods created by Storm Daniel ruptured two dams built in the Seventies to protect Derna in eastern Libya, exposing its denizens
Au Soudan, les combats ont tué quatre journalistes
FAITS. Les rares reporters toujours sur le terrain font face à des conditions extrêmes, portant lourdement atteinte à la documentation de la guerre qui dure depuis mi-avril. Le 10 octobre, des miliciens des Forces de
Entre le M23 et les ADF, le Nord-Kivu pris en étau
Massacre imputé aux Forces démocratiques alliées, combats contre les rebelles du M23.. La province du Nord-Kivu, dans l’est de la RDC, a connu de nouvelles violences meurtrières ce mardi. Mardi matin, l’information d’une nouvelle tuerie
UN aircraft takes fire as peacekeepers withdraw from Mali under junta orders
On Saturday, the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) concluded the rapid departure of troops and civilians from its base in Tessalit, in unrest-ridden northern Mali. However, the mission is concerned about