Libya’s Foreign Ministry announced that Libya had signed an agreement with its southern neighboring countries Niger, Chad and Sudan to secure the joint borders against human trafficking and weapons smuggling.
Élections le 10 décembre en Libye: une date, de l’optimisme et encore beaucoup de questions
Les principaux acteurs politiques libyens se sont engagés mardi 29 mai, à Paris, à assurer l’organisation d’élections présidentielle et législatives le 10 décembre 2018. Bien que nombre de questions restent en suspens sur ce document
Libyan rivals meeting in France agree on elections to end political deadlock
Libyan political rivals agreed on Tuesday to hold presidential and parliamentary elections on December 10, in accordance with a strong constitutional basis, at the end of their meeting in Elysée palace in Paris.
King Mohammed VI to Visit Sudan in October
Sudan’s Minister of Cabinet Affairs Ahmed Saad Omer announced that the King will pay his “first ever visit” to Khartoum in October, following Omer’s recent three-day visit to the kingdom, where he met Head of
Pope Francis Scheduled to Officially Visit Morocco
Pope Francis may come to Morocco for the first time on an official visit in the next few months, the Italian honorary consul, Vincenzo Abbinante, announced to the Italian news outlet, Turiweb. In a statement,
Morocco Participates in NATO Parliamentary Assembly
May 28 marks the final day of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s (PA) Spring Session, which convened approximately 260 participants from 29 NATO member countries and partner countries, including Morocco, to discuss international security and draft
Powerful brigades in western Libya reject Paris conference, say no to military rule
The most powerful brigades in western Libya rejected on Sunday Paris conference scheduled for May 29, saying “the French initiative does not represent us.” In a letter to the Presidential Council, the High Council of
Council of State agrees to attend Paris conference on May 29
The High Council of State (HCS) has decided to attend the international conference in Paris that will be held on Tuesday at the Élysée Palace with a delegation headed by Khalid Al-Mishri – the Head
Council of State member: France seeks hegemony in Libya
The High Council of State (HCS) member Abdelrahman Al-Shater said the French initiative to resolve Libya’s political impasse is for the interest of France and its aim to control Libya through its agents in the
Natural gas exported to Italy from Libya after four year halt
National Oil Corporation (NOC) shipped its first quantity of propane gas from the Zueitina port to Italy, estimated at approximately 61,761 barrels. The NOC said in a statement that the shipment is the first of