Le président congolais Joseph Kabila a réclamé le 25 septembre devant l’Assemblée générale annuelle des Nations unies «le début effectif et substantiel du retrait» des Casques bleus de son pays, affirmant le caractère «irréversible» du
Centrafrique: Le Drian estime qu’il n’y a pas de place pour l’initiative de paix menée par la Russie
Aux yeux du ministre français des Affaires étrangères Jean-Yves Le Drian, il n’existe « aucune alternative » à l’initiative de paix menée par l’Union africaine en Centrafrique, où Moscou tente d’initier un processus concurrent. «Il
Libya resumes crude oil exports to US
Libya resumed crude oil exports to the United States in September after a halt last month amid earlier port closures, Reuters data showed Monday. According to the data, four tankers carrying a total of 2.1
Morocco Wants Strong Security Cooperation with US Against Iran
Following his meeting with Mike Pompeo, Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita met three US senators in Washington, D.C…The Moroccan official visited the US to discuss means to “end Iran’s support for terrorism and
Germany contributes 2 million euros to support municipal elections in Libya
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Libya announced the contribution of Germany to two million euros in the project to support the municipal elections in Libya, which will be held during 2018 and 2020…The
UE-Afrique: Jean-Claude Juncker appelle à une «nouvelle alliance»
Ne plus considérer l’Afrique du point de vue d’un «donneur d’aide au développement» mais comme un «partenaire économique dans un échange d’égal à égal», c’est en substance ce qu’a déclaré le 12 septembre le président
Kenya, Interpol to tackle organised crime
Cabinet Secretary for Interior, Dr. Fred Matiang’i, said in Nairobi during a meeting with Interpol secretary general Jürgen Stock, that Kenya desire to collaborate with the world’s largest international police organization to build an unassailable
UN panel of experts’ report: Haftar’s son took Central Bank of Libya’s money in Benghazi
A report issued on September 05 by the panel of experts of the United Nations on Libya accused Brigade 106 of Khalifa Haftar’s forces led by his son Saddam of controlling Benghazi-based Central Bank of
Britain renews call for its nationals to leave Libya
The British Foreign Office renewed its warning to its citizens to leave Libya immediately because of the fragile security situation following the recent clashes. In a briefing on its website Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry warned
After calling Italy “enemy” Haftar meets with Italian Foreign Minister near Benghazi
The Libyan commander of the self-styled army in eastern Libya Khalifa Haftar hosted the Italian Foreign Minister Enzo Milanesi on Monday in Rajma; eastern Benghazi. The two men had a long and cordial conversation which