Nigerian troops with air support fought Boko Haram in Mallam Fatori in the Lake Chad area near the border with Niger, the army said, while Islamic State claimed its fighters had carried out a series
Egypt’s Army Chief Lauds Anti-Terror Efforts in Sinai
Egyptian Chief of Staff Mohamed Farid lauded the anti-terror operations in Sinai. He made his remarks during his inspection of each of the Suez Canal security task forces and Second field army units deployed in
Mali : le cherif de Nioro et Mahmoud Dicko font stade comble à Bamako
Quelque 60 000 personnes se sont réunies dimanche dans le plus grand stade de Bamako pour “prier pour le Mali et interpeller le gouvernement”, à l’appel de deux des plus influents dirigeants religieux musulmans critiques
Algérie : Abdelaziz Bouteflika officiellement candidat à un 5e mandat
Le président algérien « annonce sa candidature à la présidentielle d’avril 2019 », a fait savoir l’Agence de presse officielle ce dimanche. Abdelaziz Bouteflika doit adresser un « message à la nation » dans la
L’Égypte prend la présidence de l’Union africaine, l’Afrique du Sud lui succédera
Le Rwandais Paul Kagame a cédé son siège de président en exercice de l’Union africaine (UA) à son homologue égyptien Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, lors de la session d’ouverture du 32e sommet à Addis-Abeba. L’Afrique du
Shabaab assassinates more high-ranking Somali military personnel
Following Shabaab’s assassination of two Somali generals south of Mogadishu in December, the al Qaeda branch claimed to have killed two Somali colonels near the same town yesterday.
Sahel leaders seek UN help against jihadist attacks
Five nations waging a battle against jihadi fighters in the Sahel asked the UN on Tuesday for money and other aid to help tackle a scourge which claimed more lives even as officials met.
Boko Haram is defeated; Nigeria now facing ‘global insurgency’ — Minister
The Nigerian government is insisting that its military has “successfully defeated” Boko Haram insurgents, but says the country is now facing a fresh crisis, which it called a “global insurgency.”
Foreign Minister urges Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS to include Libya in rebuilding program
The Foreign Minister of the Libyan Presidential Council’s government Mohammed Sayala called on the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS to include Libya in the rebuilding program, citing massive destruction in the country due to the
US military intensifies airstrikes against al Qaeda in Somalia
The US military has stepped up its targeting of Shabaab, al Qaeda’s branch in Somalia and East Africa. Since the New Year, US Africa Command (AFRICOM) has hit Shabaab 14 times. AFRICOM acknowledges that the