Peste 1.000 de persoane ţinute captive în Nigeria de gruparea teroristă Boko Haram au fost salvate, potrivit armatei nigeriene… Dintre cei eliberaţi, majoritatea erau femei, copii şi tineri care au fost forţaţi să lupte alături
Libia: Mareşalul Haftar anunţă începerea ofensivei pentru eliberarea oraşului Derna de sub controlul teroriştilor
Mareşalul Khalifa Haftar, omul forte din estul libian, a anunţat luni lansarea unei operaţiuni militare pentru eliberarea localităţii Derna, aflată, de la căderea regimului Gaddafi, în 2011, sub controlul unor grupări islamiste şi jihadiste.
HCS member urges UN Security Council not to lift arms ban on Libya as Foreign Minister demanded
The member of the High Council of State (HCS) Ibrahim Sahad said Monday that lifting arms ban on Libya by the UN Security Council will be a green light for countries supporting Khalifa Haftar to
Foreign minister calls for partial lifting of arms embargo on Libya
Foreign Minister of Presidential Council Mohammed Siyala called for a partial lifting of the arms embargo on Libya in his speech at the “International Conference on Countering Terrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism” held in the
Primele alegeri municipale democratice din Tunisia au fost ”un scrutin credibil’ (observatori UE)
Misiunea de observatori a Uniunii Europene a apreciat marţi că primele alegeri municipale democratice din Tunisia au fost ”un scrutin credibil”, dar a criticat unele deficienţe tehnice şi absenteismul ridicat, în special în rândul tinerilor.
Tunisie: seulement 33,7 % de participation pour les premières municipales de l’après-révolution
L’abstention a largement remporté les élections locales qui se sont tenues en Tunisie ce 6 mai. Les islamistes d’Ennahdha sont arrivés premiers, talonnés par Nidaa Tounes. Mais leurs scores restent très modestes…
Gabon: Emmanuel Issoze Ngondet reconduit au poste de Premier ministre
Deux jours après avoir présenté sa démission suite à la décision de la Cour constitutionnelle, Emmanuel Issoze Ngondet a été reconduit au poste de Premier ministre sur décision présidentielle. Il est chargé de former un
Moroccan American Network to Host Third Annual CEO Summit in Washington D.C.
The Moroccan American Network will host its third annual CEO Summit entitled, “Shaping the Future of Africa: Challenges and Prospects,” on May 10, 2018 in Washington D.C. The focus of the summit will be to
Libya`s neighboring countries to meet in Algeria and discuss latest events
Diplomatic sources have stated that a meeting regarding Libya, which includes Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt, will be held in Algeria this month, adding that the meeting will bring together the foreign ministers of the three
Libya, Russia discuss ways of promoting relations
Foreign Minister of Presidential Council, Mohamed Siyala, confirmed that the return of Russian companies to Libya is near. According to a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry on Friday, the confirmation came after his meeting