Fierce fighting between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) continued in Khartoum state yesterday. A person was killed, and three others were injured when missiles hit the northern part of

Fierce fighting between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) continued in Khartoum state yesterday. A person was killed, and three others were injured when missiles hit the northern part of
The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) launched an offensive on the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) 22nd Infantry Division headquarters in Babanousa, West Kordofan, yesterday, after three days of fierce clashes in the town. Clashes continued in
The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) said they downed a Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) Iranian-made Mohajer-6 drone in Omdurman, the sister city of the capital Khartoum, yesterday morning. A relative calm takes hold in Babanousa, West
UN Security Council members will convene this afternoon for closed consultations to address the situation between Ethiopia and Somalia under the “Peace and Security in Africa” agenda item. According to a think tank, the Security
Fierce fighting between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) continued in Khartoum state yesterday. A person was killed, and three others were injured when missiles hit the northern part of
The UN Chief Mr Guterres says, in just a matter of years, Africa has become the “global epicentre of terrorism”. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called on African leaders to root out terrorism and violent
En Guinée, la presse privée est en pleine déliquescence. Depuis plus de deux mois, plusieurs radios et télés ont vu leurs ondes brouillées ou leur antenne tout simplement suspendue. Cette situation, qui perdure, pousse déjà
Les forces spéciales et les garde-côtes des Seychelles ont repris le contrôle d’un bateau sri-lankais “détourné par des pirates armés somaliens” dans l’océan Indien, a annoncé lundi la présidence de l’archipel dans un communiqué. Le
Après avoir mis officiellement terme à l’Accord d’Alger signé avec les groupes armés du Nord à dominante touareg sous médiation internationale, le régime malien crée un Comité de dialogue inter-malien pour tenter de faire la
Les trois pays, depuis que des militaires ont pris le pouvoir par la force, en 2020 au Mali, en 2022 au Burkina Faso et en 2023 au Niger, ont des relations tendues avec la Cedeao.