Le Soudan a décidé jeudi de fermer ses frontières avec la Libye et la Centrafrique pour des raisons de sécurité, la première mesure du genre prise par les nouvelles autorités soudanaises depuis la chute en
The Muslim Brotherhood Must Be Confronted
The motto of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) states: “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our constitution. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest
Présidentielle en Algérie : pas de candidat pour le principal parti islamiste
Le principal parti islamiste du pays, le Mouvement de la société pour la paix (MSP), a annoncé dimanche 29 septembre qu’il ne présenterait pas de candidat à la présidentielle du 12 décembre.
Bataille de drones dans le ciel libyen
Si les combats se poursuivent au sol, au sud de Tripoli, une autre bataille fait rage depuis quelques mois dans le ciel libyen entre drones turcs et émiratis, sans pour autant changer l’équilibre des forces,
How Libya’s economic structures enrich the militias
Largely overlooked in international policymaking toward Libya’s current conflict is the role of corruption as a key driver of violence, as opposed to merely its byproduct. The high-level debate on Libya at the UN General
Airstrike in Libya kills 11 ISIS members, AFRICOM says
An airstrike on an Islamic State element in Libya on Tuesday killed 11 jihadis, according to officials from U.S. Africa Command.
Libya’s lost generation: How the country’s ongoing conflict has impacted its youth
They witnessed the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, and have grown up in a society riven by war, no wonder then that the psychological toll on Libya’s youth has been critical.
Libya’s Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar ‘open to dialogue’
Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, whose forces have been battling to capture the seat of the UN-recognised government in Tripoli since April, has said he is open to dialogue after repeatedly rejecting UN calls for talks.
Third Libya airstrike in eight days kills 17 ISIS terrorists, US military says
The U.S. military said Friday it had killed 17 Islamic State (ISIS) fighters in an airstrike Thursday outside Murzuq in southwest Libya.
Shabaab strikes American, Italian forces in Somalia
Shabaab has conducted two major attacks on foreign troops inside Somalia today. The first targeted U.S. personnel at a base outside of Mogadishu, while the second hit Italian troops on patrol inside of Mogadishu.