The foreign ministers of Egypt, Algeria, and Tunisia reaffirmed their support of a political solution in Libya. During their meeting in Algiers on Monday, the ministers discussed their countries’ efforts in supporting Libyans to overcome
France proposes 2018 elections plan to end Libya political stalemate
France has proposed an initiative to end Libya’s political impasse by holding parliamentary and presidential elections by the end of 2018 as per a United National timeline. The Head of the Presidential Council, Fayez Al-Sirraj,
Commonwealth helped Nigeria recover $3b: Secretary-General
Commonwealth Secretary-General, Patricia Scotland, has said the Commonwealth assisted Nigeria in recovering about $3 billion within one year. Scotland said this on Tuesday in Abuja when she visited the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama.
La force du G5 Sahel «prête» à entrer en action, selon le Niger
La force antijihadiste du G5 Sahel est “prête” à entrer en action, a affirmé dimanche à Ouagadougou le ministre nigérien de la Défense, Kalla Moutari.
RDC: libération des deux ressortissants britanniques kidnappés dans le parc des Virunga
Les deux touristes britanniques et leur chauffeur congolais enlevés vendredi dans le parc des Virunga, en République démocratique du Congo, ont été libérés dimanche, a annoncé le ministère britannique des Affaires étrangères et les responsables
Spanish Interior Minister Highlights Efficiency of Morocco-Spain Security Cooperation
Juan Ignacio Zoido, the Spanish Interior Minister, has highlighted the efficiency of Moroccan-Spanish security cooperation following the arrest of five members of a terrorist cell with alleged connections to ISIS.
Soldats américains tués au Niger: le Pentagone admet des erreurs
Une enquête du Pentagone a conclu jeudi qu’une succession d’erreurs, notamment un manque de préparation et une supervision insuffisante, était à l’origine de la mort de soldats américains et nigériens tués lors d’une embuscade au
HCS president meets UN envoy to discuss Derna events
The President of the High Council of State, Khaled Al-Mishri met with the UN envoy to Libya, Ghassan Salame, on Wednesday at the headquarters of the Council in Tripoli to discuss the latest developments in
Libyan authorities in talks with EU to lift ban on commercial flights
The Transport Ministry of the Presidential Council is undergoing talks with the European Union to lift the ban on all Libyan airlines in European airspace. Minister Matouq stated in a press statement on Tuesday that
Primele alegeri municipale democratice din Tunisia au fost ”un scrutin credibil’ (observatori UE)
Misiunea de observatori a Uniunii Europene a apreciat marţi că primele alegeri municipale democratice din Tunisia au fost ”un scrutin credibil”, dar a criticat unele deficienţe tehnice şi absenteismul ridicat, în special în rândul tinerilor.