Bamako, le 2 novembre 2019 – Le Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général (RSSG) de l’ONU au Mali, Mahamat Saleh Annadif, condamne très fermement l’attaque terroriste contre la position des Forces Armées Maliennes (FAMa) qui a
Mali: Communiqué de l’URD sur l’attaque du camp de Indelimane du 1er novembre
L’Union pour la République et la Démocratie ( URD ) a appris avec consternation et inquiétude que des hommes lourdement armés ont attaqué le 1er novembre 2019 le camp de l’armée Malienne à Indelimane sur
Mali: L’État Islamique revendique l’attaque contre le camp d’Indelimane
Vendredi, 49 soldats maliens sont morts dans le nord-est du pays. L’Etat islamique a revendiqué ce samedi l’attaque meurtrière contre un camp de l’armée malienne, selon un communiqué du groupe djihadiste. Vendredi 1er novembre, 49
US AFRICOM says it eliminated 25% of ISIS militants in Libya
US Africa Command Director of Public Affairs Colonel Chris Karns said four airstrikes this year had killed 25% of the ISIS terrorists remaining in Libya, “where ISIS forces had been gathering in camps and recruiting
Migrant rescue ship ‘threatened’ by Libya militants: NGO
A German NGO said one of its vessels was threatened Saturday by a boat carrying Libyan militants who fired warning shots as it rescued 90 migrants in the Mediterranean.
Renewed Boko Haram attacks displaced 140,000 persons in 2019 – UN
At least 140,000 persons have been displaced by the resurgence of Boko Haram activity this year in Borno State, the United Nations Undersecretary-General, Mark Lowcock, has said.
Al Qaeda-linked group reappears in Nigeria
Following several years of inactivity, the al Qaeda-linked Jamaat al Ansar al Muslimeen fi Bilad al Sudan, better known as Ansaru, has reappeared online.
Egypt looks to strengthen anti-terrorism laws, speed up trials
The new body would be responsible for proposing amendments to laws to give law-enforcement agencies more powers and speed up trials of suspects.
Egypt Condemns Turkish Aggression on Syria, Qatar Defends it
Egypt on Sunday reiterated its condemnation of the Turkish aggression in northeast Syria, a position it expressed during the preparatory meetings of the 18th summit of Non-Aligned Movement in Azerbaijan’s capital Baku held from October
Gunmen blow up oil pipeline in southeastern Yemen
Unidentified gunmen early on Sunday blew up a pipeline for transporting crude oil to an exporting port in Yemen’s southeastern province of Shabwa, a government official told Xinhua.