There is a myriad of challenges in the Horn of Africa States from regional challenges to local state level challenges. These are challenges ranging from economic to social political and cultural issues. The Horn of
Africa: Industrialization Trapped In Limbo Despite All Efforts – OpEd
Jobless and weighed down by idleness, 53-year-old Jasper Mhandu, in the Zimbabwean capital, now has to spend time sited at a street corner chatting with gangs of drug-taking jobless youths in Highfield, a poor income
China-Africa Relations In Review – Analysis
“China did this,” “the Chinese did that.” There is an essentialization of China and Chinese actors that hinders our understanding of China-Africa relations – whether to praise or demonize them – as it lumps a
Nigeria : Plusieurs bandits ou terroristes tués par l’armée
L’armée nigériane a éliminé plusieurs hommes armés lors d’opérations lancées dans l’Etat de Kaduna, dans le nord du pays. Dans un communiqué, Samuel Aruwan, commissaire à la sécurité intérieure et aux affaires intérieures de l’Etat,
Burkina: nouveau permis d’exploitation d’or accordé à la Russie
Le gouvernement du Burkina Faso issu d’un putsch et qui entend diversifier ses partenaires, a décidé d’octroyer le permis d’exploitation d’une nouvelle mine d’or à la société russe Nordgold, selon un compte rendu du conseil
Burkina Faso : au moins 9 morts en 2 jours dans 2 attaques
Au moins neuf civils ont été tués en deux jours dans deux attaques de djihadistes présumés dans la région du Centre-nord du Burkina Faso, ont indiqué mercredi des témoins à l’AFP. La première attaque a
President Buhari Calls for Tighter Security Around Borders in Lake Chad Basin with the Proliferation of Weapons from Russia-Ukraine War
President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday in Abuja urged more vigilance and tightening of security around borders, drawing attention to the increased number of arms, ammunition, and other weapons from the Russia and Ukraine war in
The Horn Of Africa States: Whispers, Again – OpEd
And the Horn of Africa States remains unchanged. It is still strategically located and the competitors for the region’s location and its resources still remain the same. We have the West still more belligerent than
North Africa Has No Instant Cure for Europe’s Energy Woes – Analysis
Several major energy projects connecting northwest Africa to Europe are being made necessary by current geopolitical realities, making this route a vital energy corridor. The Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline is a unique multi-country project, while Algeria’s
Ethiopia Needs A Peace Coalition To Underpin Its New Accord – Analysis
After a devastating two-year civil war, the Ethiopian government and Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) signed a cessation of hostilities agreement on 2 November. The war killed over 500 000 people and displaced millions. But the agreement still hasn’t