German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made his inaugural visit to Africa with a three-nation tour that began in Senegal and concluded in South Africa. His trip came a little over three months after a visit by

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made his inaugural visit to Africa with a three-nation tour that began in Senegal and concluded in South Africa. His trip came a little over three months after a visit by
Egypt’s military has said troops killed 10 militants in a raid on their hideout in North Sinai and recovered weapons, ammunition and radio equipment. Hand grenades, explosive belts, TNT explosive and rocket launchers were among
Au Burkina Faso, les forces armées annoncent avoir tués douze terroristes, parmi lesquels Tidiane Djbrilou Dicko, un chef jihadiste. L’opération qui a permis de les « neutraliser » s’est déroulée le jeudi 26 mai dernier
Au Mali, le Jnim, le groupe de soutien à l’islam et aux musulmans, lié à Al Qaeda au Maghreb islamique, bloque un axe routier du centre du pays depuis mercredi. Le tronçon qui relie les
L’armée fédérale et son alliée érythréenne ont multiplié les destructions et les pillages pour saper l’économie de la province, qui ne survit plus que grâce à l’aide alimentaire et à la contrebande. C’est un symbole
Epargné jusqu’ici par les katibas du Sahel qui ont attaqué la Côte d’Ivoire et le Togo voisins, le pays est considéré comme un « terrain fertile » pour l’implantation de cellules djihadistes. Est-ce la fin
La Minusma parle d’exécutions extrajudiciaires, de disparitions forcées et d’actes de torture – des accusations « ne s’appuyant sur aucune preuve tangible », répond la junte. Le nombre de morts civiles et de violations des
Armies in Mali and Burkina Faso have killed more civilians than jihadi extremists. The ruling military juntas in the two countries in West Africa’s Sahel region are unable to keep the peace. The coup plotters
Clashes last week between gold miners in the country’s north left more than 100 people dead, the Chadian government said. The clashes took place May 23 and 24 in the Kouri Bougoudi district, near the
The Mozambican parliament, the Assembly of the Republic, on 18 May passed the first reading of a bill revising the legal regime applicable to the prevention and repression of terrorism and connected crimes. The bill