Après avoir enregistré le discours du 23e anniversaire de son accession au trône, le roi s’est envolé pour la France afin d’être aux côtés de sa mère, la princesse Lalla Latifa, souffrante. Depuis la fin

Après avoir enregistré le discours du 23e anniversaire de son accession au trône, le roi s’est envolé pour la France afin d’être aux côtés de sa mère, la princesse Lalla Latifa, souffrante. Depuis la fin
Taiwan may be 10,000km from East Africa, but whatever happens there could still hurt you. This is why a brawl between China and the US over Washington’s dalliance with Taipei could bring the region new
With its diverse expertise and decades of African counter-terrorism experience, ISS provided credible and strategic advice. When violent extremists threatened Mozambique’s resource-rich Cabo Delgado province, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) convened a team of
À la mi-juillet, des attaques d’une ampleur inédite ont frappé le pays, qui tente depuis de revoir son dispositif sécuritaire pour contenir la menace venue du Nord. Ce 15 juillet, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé assiste à
Talks on bringing home 49 Ivorian soldiers detained in Mali are ongoing but any result “could take time”, a spokesman for Ivory Coast’s government said Wednesday. “Ivory Coast has favoured dialogue. Discussions are under way…
L’Égyptien Ayman al-Zawahiri, le chef d’Al-Qaïda, a été tué dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche en Afghanistan par une frappe de drone américain. Le successeur d’Oussama Ben Laden – bien que beaucoup moins charismatique
Algeria is interested in joining the BRICS, the economic bloc of developing countries which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The appeal was publicly made by the northern African leader, Abdelmadjid Tebboune during
The United States has ordered non-emergency personnel and their families to leave Mali due to a heightened risk of attacks, the State Department said. The US did not mention a specific threat to its employees,
Conflict continues to drive Africa’s record levels of population displacement. Africa’s 36 million forcibly displaced persons represent 44 percent of the global total. Conflict continues to drive Africa’s record levels of population displacement. Africa’s 36
Adapting Sahelian force structures to lighter, more mobile, and integrated units will better support the population-centric COIN practices needed to reverse the escalating trajectory of violent extremist attacks. Highlights Militant Islamist violence in the Sahel