A Pentagon spokesman said Monday the U.S. has begun discussions with the military government of Niger about withdrawing of some 1,000 U.S. troop from two air bases in the nation. Last month, the military junta

A Pentagon spokesman said Monday the U.S. has begun discussions with the military government of Niger about withdrawing of some 1,000 U.S. troop from two air bases in the nation. Last month, the military junta
Department Press BriefingVedant Patel, Principal Deputy SpokespersonWashington, D.C.April 25, 2024 QUESTION: So there are reports that U.S. military personnel are expected to leave Chad in the coming days, possibly as soon as this weekend. Can
Key Takeaways: Libya. Russia has reinforced its military presence in Libya as it consolidates its positions across Africa. Russia may have deployed the influx of personnel and matériel as part of ongoing negotiations to secure
Long a sinecure of former colonial powers, large parts of Africa have in recent years become a wide-open marketplace for new foreign players. While much of the focus – and hysteria – in the West
Des affrontements opposent, depuis ce jeudi 16 mai, dans la matinée, les rebelles du M23 à l’armée congolaise soutenue par des groupes armés locaux sur plusieurs fronts dans le territoire de Rutshuru. Ces affrontements se
Une délégation américaine de haut niveau est arrivée à Niamey pour discuter du plan de retrait des troupes américaines exigé par le régime au Niger, a annoncé mercredi le ministère nigérien de la Défense. Une
Les Etats-Unis ont annoncé mercredi imposer des sanctions contre deux commandants des forces paramilitaires au Soudan et assuré faire pression pour empêcher ces forces de lancer une offensive à el-Facher au Darfour. Le Trésor américain
The Somali State and governance collapsed in early 1991, when the leader of the military regime then, General Mohamed Siad Barre, left the country without a suitable replacement governance system. This led to a clan
For three decades, Ghana’s political landscape has been dominated by two parties – the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and National Democratic Congress (NDC), each of which has won four presidential elections. Instead of a multiparty
Analysis: Even after a decade of unrivalled power, Sisi’s regime in Egypt is too fragile to allow any meaningful show of political free expression. Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is cracking down on protestors showing