An Egyptian military court sentenced a Libyan man to death after being convicted alongside others of a terrorist operation, which killed 11 policemen, and the deadly attack at the Al-Wahat highway in 2017.
The court ordered the death sentence for Mohamed al-Mesmary, the Egyptian army spokesperson Tamer al-Rifai said in a statement.
The court also issued prison sentences to 32 defendants, while 20 others were acquitted.
It accused the defendants of committing several crimes, including forming the terrorist al-Fatah extremist group in Libya.
They were charged with killing 11 security forces members in Wahat, taking some hostage and seizing their weapons and ammunition.
The main defendant is Mesmary, a Libyan who received training from now dead Egyptian terrorist Imadeddine Ahmed.
He participated in attacks against the police officers in the Bahariya Oasis and the abduction of Captain Mohammed al-Haies.
Investigations revealed that Mesmary was trained to use machine guns and make bombs in camps inside Libyan territories.
He also established a training camp in the al-Wahat desert area, joining several terrorists to carry out operations against churches and state institutions.