At no point in history has the CFA franc – the name of a colonial currency used in west and central African countries belonging to the franc zone – been closer to its demise. Senegal

At no point in history has the CFA franc – the name of a colonial currency used in west and central African countries belonging to the franc zone – been closer to its demise. Senegal
The Chad-Cameroon-CAR border area is a powder keg of crime that needs swift action from all three governments. Kidnappers have terrorised Chad’s southern Mayo-Kebbi West and Logone Oriental provinces for over two decades. Between 2020
Les militants “me tarabustent pour que je sois candidat. J’ai fini par dire oui, et je dis oui”. L’ex-président ivoirien Laurent Gbagbo, désormais opposant, a confirmé samedi dans un meeting qu’il était bien candidat à
Le nouvel exécutif compte vingt-cinq ministres et cinq secrétaires d’Etat, dont près de la moitié sont issus des rangs du Pastef. La principale surprise vient de la nomination de deux militaires à des postes régaliens
The detentions are believed to have been triggered by slogans the activists shouted against powerful figures close to the government An Egyptian prosecutor has remanded 16 political activists in custody, pending further investigations into terrorism-related
With the right domestic environment, the stable prices that will result from tighter monetary conditions should boost both planning and investment in the economy. This event took place more than 40 years ago. I was
Surviving its crisis, Senegal bolsters an arc of democracies against the region’s coups. Senegal’s dramatic transfer of presidential power this week highlights that West Africa, routinely seen as a zone of democratic erosion and failure,
The Tinubu administration is executing a full-system upgrade, even with specific attention to some sectors, understanding that Nigerians deserve a full complement of good governance and socio-economic security. In governance, opportunity cost is more complex
The African Sahel is revolting against western neocolonialism – ejecting foreign troops and bases, devising alternative currencies, and challenging the old multinationals. Multipolarity, after all, cannot flower without resistance paving its path. The emergence of
Tehran is trying to exploit the divisions between Western countries and the juntas in the Sahel. Also in the crosshairs is the country that hosts 250 Italian soldiers Iran is exploiting the growing rift between