À Bangui, on le croit dans les prisons des mercenaires russes depuis neuf mois, ou mort. Le journaliste Ephrem Yalike a été pendant près de trois ans un rouage de la communication du groupe Wagner
Propaganda Machine: l’offensive de la Russie contre l’information au Sahel
Après avoir tenté un temps de dissimuler ses opérations d’influence en Afrique, la Russie joue désormais carte sur table. Au Sahel, véritable laboratoire des opérations de désinformation russes, les agents d’influence de Moscou ne lésinent
Iran has ambitions in Western Sahara. Trump can contain them by bolstering ties with Morocco.
President-elect Donald Trump’s victory bodes well for US-Morocco relations. As King Mohamed VI recalled in his statement congratulating Trump on his election win, during his first term, Trump recognized Rabat’s full sovereignty over the disputed
Struggle for Palestinian statehood: The defining liminal moment of our time, By Yusuf M. Tuggar
President Tinubu has remained deeply concerned by the human suffering in Gaza, especially of children and women. A liminal moment is a time of realisation that the way things are is no longer sustainable, yet
Russia’s Veto Of The UNSC Resolution On Sudan Saved It From A Neocolonialist Plot
The text was ambiguous about the authorities’ legitimacy even though they represent their country at the UN, didn’t call for the RSF to cease its attacks against the SAF, could have led to more arms
A Mixed Balance Sheet: Russia’s Uneven Influence in the Maghreb
Russia’s outreach to the region has successfully exploited regimes’ frustrations with the West. Yet it has encountered difficulties in navigating the complex interrelations and rivalries. The Arab-majority states of the Maghreb—Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia—have
Mali : les soutiens de la junte ripostent après les propos incendiaires de Choguel Maïga
Selon le Collectif pour la défense des militaires, le Premier ministre s’est rendu coupable de « trahison » et de « délation » en critiquant les généraux au pouvoir. Le Collectif pour la défense des
Côte d’Ivoire: les opérations de révision des listes électorales sont terminées
La révision de la liste électorale entamée le 19 octobre 2024 s’est achevée ce dimanche 17 novembre. Plus de 12 000 centres d’enrôlement sont restés ouverts à travers le pays durant un mois pour tenter
Putin offers African countries Russia’s ‘total support’
Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered what he called “total support” for Africa, including in the struggle against terrorism and extremism. The speech was read out at a summit in the Black Sea resort of
Significance Of Mombasa Port For Chinese Outreach In Africa – Analysis
Africa has emerged as a pivotal partner in China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative (MSRI), the maritime dimension of Beijing’s flagship Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). One of the key footholds for Chinese inroads has been