Since Nigeria’s civil war ended decades ago, many groups have continued to advocate for the secession of a Biafran Republic. Today, IPOB is the loudest voice. That title, however, used to belong to another group
Cairo conference marks a milestone, but Sudan’s road to peace remains uncertain
Analysis: The Cairo summit marked a significant step towards unifying the Sudanese political position to end the war, but huge challenges remain. Rival Sudanese stakeholders convened in Cairo on Saturday to chart a roadmap for
Countering Coups: How to Reverse Military Rule Across the Sahel
Patterns in the Sahel’s coups provide guidelines to building effective democracies. Three years of coups around Africa’s Sahel region — eight of them in six nations, from Guinea on the Atlantic to Sudan on the
For Sahel Stability, U.S. Needs Broader, Coordinated Policy
U.S. efforts can advance peace with a wider scope, deeper integration to its efforts. As military coups and violent insurgencies have spread across Africa’s Sahel over the past decade, U.S. policy has professed to recognize
In Africa, the Need to Engage With Democracies and Coup Regimes
Three West African coup leaders — a general, a colonel and a captain — gathered last weekend to formally ally their regimes in Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso. Their meeting dramatized two realities for Americans
Palestine and Western Sahara: Two intersecting causes and resistance paths, By Oubi Bouchraya Bachir
This similarity between the two causes has led to the intersection of the two peoples’ struggles at many stages. The Palestinian cause has strongly returned to the forefront of events since 7 October 2023, in
La Confédération des États du Sahel, un stress supplémentaire pour la minorité occidentale
L’annonce de la création officielle de la Confédération des États du Sahel, en prolongement de l’Alliance des États du Sahel déjà existante depuis l’année dernière, représente une nouvelle étape stratégiquement importante pour les trois pays
ANALYSIS: Ethiopia’s national dialogue needs a reset
Considering that major political movements and actors reject the ongoing dialogue, a temporary pause and recalibration should be considered. Since the 2018 power transfer in the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (the former ruling party)
Au Mali, un proche du premier ministre Choguel Kokalla Maïga condamné à un an de prison
Boubacar Traoré avait été placé en détention le 28 mai après la publication d’un communiqué s’opposant fermement à un maintien des militaires au pouvoir. Un proche du premier ministre civil du Mali Choguel Kokalla Maïga
Crise dans l’Est de la RDC : devant le Conseil de sécurité, Bintou Keita prône la solution politique
La cheffe de la MONUSCO, Bintou Keita a préconisé, lundi 8 juillet, la solution pacifique dans la crise sécuritaire qui couve la partie Est de la RDC. Elle l’a dit au cours de la 9681è