Fuelled by pro-state social media, anti-refugee sentiment has surged in Egypt, with Egyptians blaming refugees for the country’s dire economic crisis. When Amani Mabyuo, a 50-year-old Sudanese refugee living in Egypt since 1999, was shopping

Fuelled by pro-state social media, anti-refugee sentiment has surged in Egypt, with Egyptians blaming refugees for the country’s dire economic crisis. When Amani Mabyuo, a 50-year-old Sudanese refugee living in Egypt since 1999, was shopping
Alors que la situation sécuritaire reste très dégradée dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo, au moins 165 000 personnes ont été déplacées en raison des combats pour ce seul mois de mars 2024,
Summary Due to structural economic, climate, and social crises in the Sahel, Tunisia has emerged as a key transit point for sub-Saharan African migrants and asylum seekers aiming to reach Europe. This has fueled a
Overcrowded refugee camps in eastern Chad are set to run out of money soon, exacerbating a dire humanitarian crisis caused by the spillover from a deadly conflict in Sudan, the United Nations said. More than
Depuis le début du conflit, quelque 560.000 Soudanais se sont réfugiés au Soudan du Sud, plus jeune Etat de la planète et l’un des moins développés qui peine à faire face aux quelque 1.500 personnes
Introduction Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, ‘the tectonic plates of geopolitics have been shifting’ and with current geopolitical tensions, including the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Israeli-Hamas war, new alliances and potential rivalry
There is a long history of migration via the Mediterranean. Human mobility in all directions across the Mediterranean has occurred for thousands of years. More recently, since at least the mid-1990s, thousands of people each
South Sudan, an already poor country with almost 60 per cent of its population facing high levels of food insecurity, is feared to not have the resources to host displaced people from Sudan. Nine months
L’Espagne a annoncé mercredi que les Sénégalais faisant escale dans ses aéroports devront désormais être munis d’un visa de transit, alors que l’aéroport de Madrid fait face à un afflux inédit de demandeurs d’asile, bloqués
La ville d’Agadez renoue avec le business de la migration depuis que les autorités militaires ont abrogé en novembre une loi de 2015 criminalisant le trafic de migrants. Les visages sont couverts de turbans pour