What happened? On the evening of 22 March, militants mounted a harrowing attack on Crocus City Hall, a music venue in the suburbs of Moscow, taking at least 139 lives. Surveillance camera footage from inside
Growing Influence Of Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) In The Central African Republic (CAR)
As Russia’s war in Ukraine continues, heightening tensions with the West and bringing international sanctions, the Kremlin strives to increase its influence in the countries of the “Global South.” In the Central African Republic, the

Guerre au Soudan: un groupe rebelle armé du Darfour rejoint l’armée du général al-Buhran
Au Soudan, alors que la crise humanitaire s’empire, un groupe armé du Darfour – l’Armée de libération du Soudan (SLA), du chef rebelle Minni Minawi, également gouverneur du Darfour – annonce avoir rejoint l’armée du

Expansion of Houthi Activities in the Red Sea
During the past two months the activities of the Houthis in Yemen have expanded. They have continued attacking targets they define as “Israeli” or “supporting Israel,” mainly vessels sailing in the Red Sea on sea

Living On Edge In A Terrorised Nigerian City
The Bright Ogbuabia family are yet to enjoy the peace that comes with finally owning their own home. The violence around them has left indelible marks, and they wonder when it will all end. The

Somalie : 16 suspects arrêtés pour l’attaque d’un hôtel de Mogadiscio
Seize personnes ont été arrêtées dans le cadre de l’enquête sur l’attaque meurtrière d’un hôtel de Mogadiscio mi-mars par des islamistes radicaux shebab, a annoncé l’Agence du renseignement somalienne. “Après une enquête approfondie, les forces

The Sudan Crisis – OpEd
The political instability, ethnic divisions, economic disparities, and resource conflicts have plagued the African country of Sudan for decades. As stated by Chuol (2023), this essay’s goal is to evaluate the potential role of the

Why Is The Crisis In Africa’s Central Sahel Getting Worse?
The region, which includes Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso, has been one of the most terrorised in the world for many years. The situation hasn’t improved despite recent political upheavals. The epicentre of terrorism has

IntelBrief: Islamic State Resurging in Mozambique
The Islamic State in Mozambique is resurging after adapting its approach throughout parts of the country, taking advantage of poor governance and myriad grievances of the local population. ISIS-Mozambique has attracted foreign fighters from throughout

23 soldats tués dans une attaque terroriste, deuil national décrété, Le bilan d’une attaque terroriste perpétrée mercredi dans la région de Tillabéry (ouest du Niger) s’est alourdi à 23 soldats tués et 17 autres blessés,