In-depth: Sudan’s year-long conflict has created one of the world’s worst hunger crises as warring factions remain locked in a deadly power struggle. One year into its devastating civil war, Sudan is experiencing its highest-ever

In-depth: Sudan’s year-long conflict has created one of the world’s worst hunger crises as warring factions remain locked in a deadly power struggle. One year into its devastating civil war, Sudan is experiencing its highest-ever
“During the operation, our troops from Dansadau area forward operating base exhibited exceptional courage, overpowering the criminal elements.” The Nigerian Army Joint Task Force, Operation Hadarin Daji (OPHD) in the North-west, has killed 12 bandits
Des instructeurs russes sont arrivés mercredi à Niamey, qui a également réceptionné sa première livraison de matériel militaire russe dans le cadre de la nouvelle coopération sécuritaire entre Niamey et Moscou, a annoncé jeudi soir
Military instructors and personnel from Russia’s defense ministry arrived in Niger on Wednesday, Niger state television RTN said, in a further sign the West African country is building closer relations with Moscow like its junta-led
The development came days after the Nigerian military annonced an operation for recovery of arms and ammunition carted away from 17 soldiers who were murdered in the state last month. Troops of the Nigerian army
The Africa File provides regular analysis and assessments of major developments regarding state and nonstate actors’ activities in Africa that undermine regional stability and threaten US personnel and interests. Key Takeaways: Assessments:Niger A pro-Russian and
En République démocratique du Congo, les armées congolaises et ougandaises poursuivent leurs opérations conjointes contre le groupe armé terroriste ADF Nalu, auteur de plusieurs attaques meurtrières dans le territoire de Beni et d’Irumu ces derniers
All-out fighting between rival branches of the armed forces has devastated Sudan. With millions facing famine, diplomats should push the two main belligerents much harder to accept a ceasefire – before the fragmentation in the
Dans un communiqué publié le lundi 8 avril, la Mission de la SADC en République démocratique du Congo (SAMIRDC) a annoncé le décès de quatre de ses militaires. Ces soldats ont été tués suite à
D’après le Bureau des affaires politiques et militaires du Département d’État, le Maroc constitue un allié principal pour les États-Unis dans le domaine de la sécurité régionale, visant ensemble la stabilité, la sûreté et la