The U.S. military said Tuesday it conducted an airstrike in southern Somalia that killed three al-Shabab militants. The U.S. Africa Command, or AFRICOM, said it made a “collective self-defense” airstrike against al-Shabab on March 10
Le Kenya suspend sa mission de police en Haïti après la démission du Premier ministre Ariel Henry
Suite à la démission du Premier ministre haïtien Ariel Henry, le déploiement des policiers kényans en Haïti a été mis en pause. Le Kenya s’apprêtait à envoyer 1 000 hommes dans le pays pour y
Ethiopia: Recent Militarized Conflict in Amhara Region Causes Over 15 Billion Birr in Damage
Addis Abeba — The Amhara Regional Government has disclosed that the destruction of numerous social and economic institutions in recent months, attributable to conflict, resulted in the loss of property valued at over 15 billion
Maalim Ayman
Terror organization: Al Shabaab ; Status: Leader of Jaysh Ayman, an Al-Shabaab unit that has conducted terrorist attacks in Kenya and Somalia; Roll: On January 5, 2020, al-Shabaab terrorists attacked Kenyan and U.S. personnel at
New attacks by IS-linked group in Mozambique leave over 70 children missing. Thousands have fled
A surge of new attacks by an Islamic State-affiliated group in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province has left more than 70 children missing, with fears they may have drowned in a river or been kidnapped by
Enlèvement présumé d’au moins 47 Nigérianes par des jihadistes
Au moins 47 femmes sont portées disparues dans le nord-est du Nigeria après un kidnapping de masse perpétré par des jihadistes, ont annoncé mardi à l’AFP des responsables de milices anti-jihadistes. Selon ces sources, l’attaque
Plus de 110.000 déplacés après des attaques jihadistes au Mozambique
Les récentes attaques jihadistes dans le nord du Mozambique ont provoqué le déplacement de déjà plus de 110.000 personnes, dont plus de 60.000 enfants, a souligné mardi l’ONG Save the children. “Plus de 61.000 enfants
From Boko Haram Combatant To Peace Advocate: Chilling Story Of A Female Fighter
A former Boko Haram leader who abandoned a suicide mission shares shocking actions of women as combatants and her journey to redemption. Five young women embarked on a one-way journey from a remote location not
Congo-Kinshasa: Regional Military Leaders Meet in Eastern DRC to Coordinate Strategy Against M23 Rebels
Kinshasa, DRC — Stability hangs in the balance in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where military leaders from five regional countries have been meeting for days to devise a coordinated military strategy
Help Not Reaching Most Victims As Droughts In Ethiopia Kill Hundreds
Ethiopia has faced recurring droughts for more than 40 years. The latest incident is affecting over 30 million people, and observers worry the situation might get worse. “Ethiopia” and “drought” sitting in the same sentence