Au moins six civils ont été tués par des tirs de drones à Tin Zaouatine, où les militaires maliens et leurs alliés russes de Wagner ont subi un gros revers lors de combats contre des

M23 en RDC: la présidence angolaise annonce un accord de cessez-le-feu entre Kinshasa et le Rwanda
Un nouveau cessez-le-feu en République démocratique du Congo à partir de ce dimanche 4 août. C’est ce qu’a annoncé la présidence angolaise hier soir, mardi 30 juillet, après une rencontre entre les ministres des Affaires

American Officials Told Politico Their Plan For Waging Hybrid War Against Wagner In Africa
While America is ramping up its operations to counter Wagner’s growing popularity across Africa, it lacks the credibility to advance its goal through information warfare alone as proven by its failures in Burkina Faso, the

Attaque des séparatistes touaregs contre l’armée malienne avec une implication internationale préoccupante
Du 25 au 27 juillet, l’armée malienne a été la cible d’une attaque coordonnée de grande envergure menée par des séparatistes touaregs du nord du Mali à la frontière algérienne. Cet assaut bien coordonné a

Did Westerners, Ukrainians, And Islamists Help Tuareg Rebels Ambush Wagner In Mali?
The Tuareg Conflict is on pace to become another proxy war between Russia and the West. Speculation is swirling in the days after Tuareg rebels ambushed Wagner in Mali, which readers can learn more about

Did Westerners, Ukrainians, And Islamists Help Tuareg Rebels Ambush Wagner In Mali?
The Tuareg Conflict is on pace to become another proxy war between Russia and the West. Speculation is swirling in the days after Tuareg rebels ambushed Wagner in Mali, which readers can learn more about

Tuareg rebels, JNIM each claim victory over Russia’s Wagner Group in Mali
Over the weekend, fierce fighting between Tuareg rebels and the Malian military, backed by mercenaries from Russia’s Wagner Group, was reported in the extreme north of Mali. The Russian mercenaries suffered dozens of casualties—the group’s

URGENT : Guinée. Procès des massacres du 28 Septembre 2009
Moussa Dadis Camara et Aboubacar Diakité alias Toumba reconnus coupables de crimes contre l’humanité et condamnés respectivement à 20 ans et 10 ans de prison.Claude Pivi en fuite écope de la plus lourde peine:la reclusion
Russia’s Wagner says it took losses in heavy fighting against rebels in Mali
Russia’s Wagner mercenary group said on Monday that its fighters and Malian soldiers took losses in heavy fighting against Tuareg rebels near Mali’s border with Algeria. Mali, where military authorities seized power in coups in
7 security forces and 5 rangers killed in Benin national park as jihadi violence takes root
At least seven members of Beninese security forces and five rangers working with a conservation nonprofit have been killed in an attack by an armed group in Benin’s National Park W that is overrun by