This deployment of the Wagner Forces was reportedly announced by the Officers Union for International Security (COSI), a group linked to the Russian paramilitary group after other fighters left CAR in June. In a surprising

This deployment of the Wagner Forces was reportedly announced by the Officers Union for International Security (COSI), a group linked to the Russian paramilitary group after other fighters left CAR in June. In a surprising
The war that erupted in April between elements of Sudan’s security apparatus could hamper its neighbour South Sudan’s already sluggish peace process. The Sudan conflict has diverted regional and international attention away from pressuring South
The 2023 Global Security Forum took place from March 13-15, in Doha, Qatar. The 2023 Global Security Forum theme was Reshaping the Global Order. The conference focused on international approaches to conflict, crises, and cooperation
Benghazi Update: In a dramatic turn of events on June 11th, 2023, the notorious terrorist Ziad Balaam, a key figure in the infamous 2012 Benghazi attacks on the U.S. Mission and CIA Annex, was detained
At Bamako’s request, the UN Security Council has begun drawing down the UN peacekeeping operation in Mali. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Richard Gowan and Daniel Forti explore the implications for blue helmet missions
Over the past month, major jihadi outlets affiliated with Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS) released content focusing on Ethiopia as a new battlefield for jihad, urging the Muslim community to revolt against the country’s
The world is full of challenges, which are increasing continuously. Nations are rising while others which were in the top tier seem to be on down-sliding economic slope, which seems to be now causing stirs
Au moins 22 terroristes ont été tués lors d »’une embuscade déjouée » mercredi par un détachement militaire à Sokolo, dans le centre du Mali, selon l’armée malienne. »Les Forces armées maliennes ont déjoué, avec
Les groupes jihadistes ont multiplié depuis janvier 2023 “meurtres”, “viols” et “pillages” à grande échelle sur les civils dans le nord-est du Mali, “forçant des milliers de personnes à fuir ces régions”, a indiqué jeudi
Le départ des paramilitaires de Wagner de certaines localités en Centrafrique fait redouter un vide face aux groupes rebelles. Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a rencontré, le 29 juin au Kremlin, le chef du groupe