Mali’s unexpected demand for the departure of U.N. peacekeepers may herald a sudden end to a decade-long mission that has struggled to protect civilians and its own troops, raising fears the country could slide deeper
RDC: le rapport final des experts de l’ONU épingle de nouveau le soutien du Rwanda au M23
En dépit des dénégations rwandaises, les experts de l’ONU continuent de présenter des preuves du soutien actif de Kigali au mouvement armé du M23 dans l’est de la RDC. À l’ONU, ce lundi 19 juin,
Soudan du Sud: onze membres de l’armée nationale condamnés pour des «crimes graves»
La Minuss, la Mission des Nations unies au Soudan du Sud, a annoncé lundi la condamnation vendredi dernier, de 11 soldats de l’armée nationale par une « Cour martiale générale » dans la ville de
Soudan : le pays sombre “dans la mort et la destruction” à une vitesse “sans précédent”, s’alarme l’ONU
Le Soudan plonge “dans la mort et la destruction” à une vitesse “sans précédent”, a dénoncé lundi le secrétaire général de l’ONU, Antonio Guterres, à l’ouverture d’une conférence chargée de lever des fonds pour répondre
Somalia replaces army chief amid Al Shabaab resurgence
Somalia has fired its army chief, Maj-Gen Odowa Yusuf Rage, as the country faced a resurgence of Al Shabaab attacks, months after it had raised its tempo against the militants. Rage, 44, who had trained
Concern over Mali’s move to kick out UN peacekeepers
Mali’s decision to kick out the UN peacekeeping mission is eliciting concerns from regional and international powers over its implication on the security of the region. The junta of the West African nation announced the
France targets Russian and Wagner disinformation in Africa
After armed men killed nine Chinese nationals at a gold mine in Central African Republic in March, a video circulated on the internet saying France had secretly ordered the attack and planned to discredit Russian
Uganda arrests 20 ‘collaborators’ in terror attack school massacre
Ugandan says suspects were arrested over a terror attack at a school that killed 42, including 37 students, and was blamed on Islamic State-linked group ADF Ugandan police stated on Monday that 20 people had
Islamic State affiliate expanding reach in DR Congo, UN experts say
A Ugandan armed group that killed dozens of school children last week is expanding its operations in Democratic Republic of Congo with funding from Islamic State, a United Nations group of experts said on Tuesday.
Counter-terrorism experts say Africa is the world’s terrorism hot spot with half of 2022′s victims
Counter-terrorism experts said Tuesday that Africa is now the world’s terrorism hot spot, with half of the victims killed last year in sub-Saharan Africa, though al-Qaida and Islamic State affiliates remain widespread, persistent and active