What’s new? As jihadist groups in the Sahel move southward, Côte d’Ivoire has beefed up its security deployment in the north and rolled out a range of social projects to alleviate poverty and youth unemployment. Militant

What’s new? As jihadist groups in the Sahel move southward, Côte d’Ivoire has beefed up its security deployment in the north and rolled out a range of social projects to alleviate poverty and youth unemployment. Militant
Sudan’s escalating conflict has driven more than 4 million people from their homes, including over 884,000 who have fled to neighboring countries, a U.N. official said Tuesday. The fighting has also triggered outbreaks of disease
Sudan’s army on Tuesday intensified efforts to gain ground in the capital Khartoum in some of the heaviest fighting since the start of a conflict with a rival military faction that has caused a growing
At least six people were killed in an explosion targeting a passenger bus travelling in a region outside Somalia’s capital on Wednesday, the state news agency said. Somali News Agency, citing Mohamed Ibrahim, governor of
Au moins 19 personnes ont été tuées par des bandits armés en juillet dernier dans la province du Sud-Kivu. Ces statistiques proviennent du rapport sécuritaire mensuel rendu public ce mardi 8 août par la Synergie
Since May 2023, Kenya has witnessed a surge of violent activity from al-Shabaab, the Somalia-based terrorist group. The uptick in attacks began after Nairobi and Mogadishu announced a planned reopening of their borders, a frontier
On 26 July, high-ranking Nigerien officers announced on national television that they had overthrown President Mohamed Bazoum, who was democratically elected in 2021. In this Q&A, Crisis Group analysts lay out the reasons for the
After a series of coups swept across Africa’s impoverished Sahel states over the past three years, leading to a larger Russian military presence, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in March made a historic trip
Les victimes, pour la plupart des commerçants, ont été tuées dimanche près de la ville de Bittou, dans la région du Centre-Est frontalière avec le Togo. Une vingtaine de personnes ont été tuées dimanche 6
The Moroccan kingdom’s uncompromising stance against jihadism is crucial in the global fight against terrorism Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has released a video entitled ‘Oh, citizens of Morocco’ lasting 38 minutes and 35