It took months of convincing before the former jihadi commander decided to defect, trading in his guns and wealth for amnesty and a chance to live with his family. Before leaving the Islamic State group,

It took months of convincing before the former jihadi commander decided to defect, trading in his guns and wealth for amnesty and a chance to live with his family. Before leaving the Islamic State group,
More than 50 security forces were killed and dozens wounded during intense fighting with jihadis in northern Burkina Faso, the army said Tuesday. Seventeen soldiers and three dozen volunteer fighters, who assist the military, were
“The worst-case scenario is unfolding in Ethiopia,” Gabriel Bizuneh tells me, as he organizes in the Ethiopian community in Washington, D.C. Once again, the federal government is at war with another region in a federal
In many ways, the Sahel today is at the forefront of major natural experiments to determine how mankind will adapt to climate change, technological innovation, global population movement and the restructuring of world politics, urbanization,
Les analyses du géopouvoir revêtent une importance capitale, car la plupart des gouvernements disposent d’équipes spécialisées dans l’étude approfondie des idées avancées, des voies possibles et du pronostic des événements, jusqu’à montrer de nouveaux points
The African city – such as Johannesburg, Harare, Nairobi, Lagos, Kinshasa, and Lilongwe, to name a few – emerges and matures to take shape in the last 200 years through a series of mineral productions,
In mid-August, tensions in post-Qadhafi Libya – already heightened by the competition for power between a U.N.-backed administration in the capital, Tripoli, and political and military leaders based in the eastern city of Benghazi –
Depuis plus d’une décennie, l’exploitation aurifère, légale ou illégale et officielle ou informelle, connait une foudroyante expansion à travers tout le Sahel. Ses acteurs sont nombreux et vont des multinationales canadiennes et russes aux petits
Nous y voilà! Dorénavant, pour la communauté internationale, le Sahel offre de dangereux dividendes résultants d’une longue indifférence politique et d’une négligence ou passivité militaire. Depuis plus d’une décennie, la majeure partie du financement du
Depuis 2012, le Sahel central est sans interruption, confronté à de multiples crises politiques sécuritaires et humanitaires intimement liées. Les crises économiques ne pouvaient que suivre et avec elles, les famines et les dégradations environnementales.