L’armée malienne a annoncé samedi qu’elle avait pris le « contrôle total » d’Anéfis, une ville située au nord-est du Mali et considérée comme une étape vers Kidal, un bastion de la rébellion touareg qui

L’armée malienne a annoncé samedi qu’elle avait pris le « contrôle total » d’Anéfis, une ville située au nord-est du Mali et considérée comme une étape vers Kidal, un bastion de la rébellion touareg qui
Les soldats français partis du Niger n’ont pas grand-chose à faire en Mauritanie, qui ne voit pas l’intérêt de les accueillir, a expliqué le président Mohamed Ould Ghazouani au Figaro. La France a du mal
In a significant development, the strongman of eastern Libya, Marshal Khalifa Haftar, the supremo of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces (LAAF), was received by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Thursday. Haftar “met with
A lack of state and industry accountability has turned the ocean into the world’s biggest transnational crime scene. The ocean is central to global illicit trade. Criminal networks plunder marine resources, scour shipping lanes for
Mali’s armed forces are advancing northwards and clashes with the former rebels have intensified since August, after eight years of ceasefire. All eyes in Mali are now on the North. While war has not officially
As heavy fighting continues in Sudan, the UN’s top aid official in the country warned on Thursday that the conflict has created “the world’s fastest-growing displacement crisis” which threatens to outstrip the Organization’s best efforts
Tuareg rebels this week claimed to have captured a camp belonging to Mali’s armed forces in the north of the country, where clashes have been escalating since August. As the Malian army sends a convoy
In light of the growing isolation and widespread disdain of the Rapid Support Forces, it’s high time for the UAE to cut its ties and support for the militia. On April 15, Sudan became the
At least 30 pro-government fighters and dozens of al Shabaab militants were killed in Somalia in some of the bloodiest fighting of a year-long offensive against the al Qaeda-linked group, an army officer and clan
Une vingtaine de combattants loyaux au gouvernement de Somalie ont été tués lors de combats avec le groupe djihadiste des shebab dans le centre du pays, ont déclaré jeudi des commandants de milices locales et