When May 30, 20231:00 pm – 2:30 pm Where Zoom Webinar For More Information Programs Departmentevents@mei.edu202-785-1141 ext. 202 The Africa Study Group and the Middle East Institute are pleased to invite you to the third

When May 30, 20231:00 pm – 2:30 pm Where Zoom Webinar For More Information Programs Departmentevents@mei.edu202-785-1141 ext. 202 The Africa Study Group and the Middle East Institute are pleased to invite you to the third
Dans le cadre des partenariats de la France au Sahel, des légionnaires français forment des militaires nigériens pour pouvoir notamment faire face au groupe Etat islamique au Sahara. 4h15: dans une épaisse obscurité, des “paras”
Abdoulaziz al-Hassan est accusé de crimes contre l’humanité et de crimes de guerre par la Cour pénale internationale (CPI). En procès, depuis trois ans, il doit répondre de torture, persécution, mariages forcés, viols et esclavage
Report implicates Wagner group fighters in Moura atrocity, including the torture and rape of civilians First came a single helicopter, flying low over the marshes around the river outside the village, then the rattle of
The truth is that no one was doing the basics of multilateral diplomacy to prevent the bloody power struggle we’re witnessing today. Sudan is tearing itself apart, and Washington is watching, seemingly unable to do
Given the number of potential spoilers and intruders, the US and other peace brokers urgently need to bring in the United Nations. Sudan’s war is on the brink of igniting a regional ring of fire.
Sporadic artillery fire still echoed in Sudan’s capital Tuesday but residents said fighting had calmed following a US and Saudi-brokered ceasefire, raising faint hopes in the embattled city. In the sixth week of war, witnesses
Piments, faux médicaments, carburant, or, armes à feu, et êtres humains, tout cela fait l’objet de trafics via des routes commerciales millénaires qui sillonnent le Sahel. L’ONU et ses partenaires essaient de nouveaux moyens collaboratifs
A senior Al-Shabaab finance officer has been killed in Somalia, officials confirmed, in one of the most dramatic and sophisticated operations which comes days after the second phase of military campaigns against the militants was
Chili peppers, fake medicine, fuel, gold, guns, humans, and more are being trafficked via millennia-old trade routes crisscrossing the Sahel, and the UN and partners are trying out new, collaborative ways to thwart those attempting