Malians are due to take part in a referendum on Sunday that paves the way for elections and democratic rule in 2024. Repeated postponements and two military coups have stood in the way of the

Malians are due to take part in a referendum on Sunday that paves the way for elections and democratic rule in 2024. Repeated postponements and two military coups have stood in the way of the
On 15 April, shortly after heavy fighting broke out in Khartoum between Sudan’s army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a BBC journalist was beaten by a group of soldiers while on his way
The governor of West Darfur state, Khamis Abakar, was killed on Wednesday June 14, 2023, an armed group he commanded has said. News agencies report that government sources said the paramiliatry Rapid Support Force was
Le chef des Forces de soutien rapide (FSR) se présente comme le défenseur des « marginalisés » face aux élites militaires et politiques qui ont gouverné le pays depuis son indépendance. Le général « Hemetti
Le conflit en cours au Soudan a fait surgir le spectre de la violence ethnique et des crimes contre l’humanité, ont averti mardi de hauts responsables de l’ONU. Le Secrétaire général de l’ONU, António Guterres,
Dans son jugement, le tribunal de la commune 2 de Bamako a condamné, mercredi 15 juin, le parti d’opposition PSDA pour « trouble à l’ordre public » et « atteinte à la souveraineté nationale ».
Le président russe Vladimir Poutine et le chef de la junte malienne, le colonel Assimi Goïta, se sont entretenus des relations sécuritaires et économiques entre les deux pays, ont rapporté leurs services mercredi. Lors de
When a senior State Department official told reporters that the warring parties in Sudan were not “taking advantage” of talks mediated by the United States and Saudi Arabia, presumably the official meant that neither the
Eight Kenyan police officers were killed when their vehicle was blown up by an improvised explosive device in a suspected attack by Somalia-based jihadist group Al-Shabaab, police said. The incident took place on Tuesday in
Le Conseil doit discuter vendredi de la situation au Mali, avant un vote prévu le 29 juin sur les modalités du renouvellement de la mission au budget annuel de 1,2 milliard de dollars, qui expire