At Bamako’s request, the UN Security Council has begun drawing down the UN peacekeeping operation in Mali. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Richard Gowan and Daniel Forti explore the implications for blue helmet missions

At Bamako’s request, the UN Security Council has begun drawing down the UN peacekeeping operation in Mali. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Richard Gowan and Daniel Forti explore the implications for blue helmet missions
Après dix années sur place, la mission onusienne devra quitter le Mali d’ici six mois, selon l’exigence des autorités maliennes de transition. L’ex-Premier ministre Moussa Mara demande dans un communiqué publié lundi 3 juillet des
Mali’s junta carried out a partial reshuffle of the government on Saturday, a day after announcing the end of the UN peace mission in the country and eight days after a referendum in favour of
La réunion du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU doit commencer à 11h à New-York, 15h Bamako. Réunion sous haute tension au sujet du retrait de la Minusma, la mission onusienne au Mali, dont le mandat
Dans un nouveau développement, le groupe paramilitaire russe Wagner se voit attribuer un nouveau mécène après l’altercation de son chef Evguéni Prigogine avec Moscou. Wagner dépend lourdement du ministère de la Défense russe, qui lui
At least 17 people were killed and several others were wounded in two simultaneous attacks in the Gao region of northern Mali, a local mayor said Wednesday. The villages of Gaena and Boya were the
Photos of newly trained Al-Shabaab militants have been released online, with the group’s spokesperson Ali Dheere addressing graduands in a ceremony which was held at an undisclosed location within Somalia. The group said the new
On 16 June, Bamako asked the UN Security Council to withdraw the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Jean-Hervé Jézéquel and Ibrahim Maïga look at the reasons
Les bataillons d’infanterie de l’armée soudanaise sont en très petit nombre dans les rues de Khartoum au cours des deux mois de conflit qui ont fait rage dans le pays, laissant une grande partie de
Following this weekend’s coup attempt in Russia by the Wagner Group, we are republishing our extensive JTTM study from August 31, 2022 on Wagner activity in Mali, where it has been working for the country’s