The end of one of the world’s deadliest and yet most shadowy wars is as difficult to predict as the end of the large peacekeeping force meant to contain it. Congo desperately wants stability in
Black Axe—Nigeria’s Most Notorious Transnational Criminal Organization
Black Axe’s violent organized criminal network undermines economic development and political reform within Nigeria while scamming victims abroad out of billions via cybercrime. A 21-country INTERPOL initiative known as Operation Jackal III targeting Black Axe,
Somalia Expels Ethiopian Diplomat
Somalia has declared an Ethiopian diplomat working in Mogadishu a persona non grata. In a statement issued on Tuesday, Somalia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs accused the diplomat of engaging in “activities incompatible with his diplomatic
Africa: State Fragmentation and New State Imaginaries – Maritime Access in the Horn of Africa
Debating Ideas reflects the values and editorial ethos of the African Arguments book series, publishing engaged, often radical, scholarship, original and activist writing from within the African continent and beyond. It offers debates and engagements,
L’Outre-mer ne répond plus
En 1976, Jean-Claude Guillebaud publiait aux éditions du Seuil dans la collection «L’histoire immédiate» «Les confettis de l’empire». Son enquête portait sur les derniers vestiges de l’ancien empire colonial français, à savoir les possessions ultra-marines
Le Grand Jeu dans la Corne de l’Afrique continue. Partie 4 : Le conflit éthiopien-somalien à travers le prisme d’autres acteurs extérieurs
S’agissant du Royaume-Uni, principal allié des États-Unis, il adopte dans ses relations avec l’Éthiopie une approche plus pragmatique. Le 21 août de cette année, lors de sa visite à Addis-Abeba, la ministre britannique du Développement
Flags At Nigerian Protests Could Signal Russian Plans To Expand Influence – Analysis
After forming alliances with military-led juntas in the Sahel, Russia might be moving its influence campaign south by supporting social unrest in Nigeria. During a 10-day August protest demanding better governance, some demonstrators in the
Il y a 70 ans, débutait la guerre d’Algérie
Dans quelques jours, l’Algérie fêtera le soixante-dixième anniversaire du déclenchement de la révolution du 1er novembre 1954). Selon la presse nationale d’ailleurs, les préparatifs vont bon train. Sous la houlette du président Abdelmadjid Tebboune, réélu
Africa File, October 24, 2024: JNIM Strikes Northern Niger; DRC Peace Talks and M23 Offensive; Egypt-Djibouti Cooperation; Ethiopia-Somalia AUSSOM Tug-of-War; Central Somalia Offensive
Key Takeaways: Niger. JNIM claimed an attack on a border post in northern Niger near the border with Algeria, marking the group’s first attack in far northern Niger. Nigerien Tuareg rebels also gave a competing
Exclusive: Plane downed in Darfur with suspected Russian crew was supplying army, rivals say
A plane downed in Sudan’s North Darfur state had Russian crew members and was being used by the army to resupply the besieged city of al-Fashir, according to the opposing faction and documents it said