Tuareg separatists announced Saturday the lifting of blockades they’d set up in December on main roads throughout northern Mali after the national army took back several towns. “All blockades on the routes from the Algerian

Tuareg separatists announced Saturday the lifting of blockades they’d set up in December on main roads throughout northern Mali after the national army took back several towns. “All blockades on the routes from the Algerian
Les autorités sécuritaires congolaises ont plaidé pour la “levée du moratoire” sur la peine de mort concernant des militaires qui se rendraient coupables de “trahison” dans la guerre contre le M23, selon un compte rendu
Une personne a été tuée dimanche dans un attentat à la bombe artisanale dans l’ouest du Cameroun, les autorités soupçonnant les séparatistes anglophones qui combattent l’armée depuis sept ans. L’attentat est survenu deux heures après
Le chef de l’organisation ouest-africaine et président du Nigeria Bola Tinubu devait rencontrer ce lundi au Sénégal le président Macky Sall, alors que la situation reste crispée dans le pays après l’annonce du report de
Un lycéen de 16 ans a été tué alors qu’il manifestait dans le sud du Sénégal, portant à trois le nombre de tués dans le pays depuis le début de la contestation liée au report
Sudan’s ongoing war has generated what can be described as the worst humanitarian crisis ever happened, resulting from the ferocious war between the two clashing parties: Sudan Army and its rival Rapid Support Forces. The
The al-Qaeda-linked militant group al-Shabab claimed an attack that killed three Emirati troops and a Bahraini military officer on a training mission at a military base in the Somali capital, authorities said Sunday. The attack
The world of today is interconnected more than it ever did in the past, and all nations are, indeed, connected through a grapevine of cables, satellites, ships, airplanes, cars, mobiles, and fixed lines. Geography is
Turkey has renewed its relations with the Middle East, with a focus on achieving political stability in Libya and resolving issues through dialogue among all parties. This commitment was demonstrated through discussions held between Turkish
The long-simmering conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is starting to boil over again. On 2 February, a South African Airforce Oryx helicopter participating in MONUSCO, the UN peacekeeping mission in