Still reeling from the effects of COVID-19 and the Ukraine war, African countries face yet another geopolitical hurdle with the Red Sea crisis and its potentially significant economic ramifications. While current disruptions will primarily affect

Still reeling from the effects of COVID-19 and the Ukraine war, African countries face yet another geopolitical hurdle with the Red Sea crisis and its potentially significant economic ramifications. While current disruptions will primarily affect
Witnesses claim victims shot ‘execution style’ during house raids after clashes between government forces and Fano rebels Ethiopian government troops went door-to-door killing dozens of civilians last month in a town in the country’s Amhara
Signé début janvier, cet accord offre un accès à la mer Rouge à l’Éthiopie et la possibilité d’y installer une base militaire, en échange de sa reconnaissance du Somaliland. À quelques jours du sommet des
Le plus jeune frère du défunt président Idriss Déby Itno vient de claquer la porte du parti MPS, qui a récemment choisi Mahamat Idriss Déby comme candidat pour la présidentielle de fin de transition prévue
L’armée malienne et ses supplétifs du groupe russe Wagner ont investi la mine d’or d’Intahaka pendant le week-end. Il s’agit d’un vaste site d’orpaillage artisanal situé dans le gourma malien, commune de N’Tillit, à environ
The importance of Ambassador Evgeny Terekhin’s interview is that Russia will not let third parties influence its relations with Ethiopia, least of all Somalia and especially after what its leader just did by disrespecting Russia
Somalian-born congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s de facto admission that she’s an undeclared foreign agent, which she made last month while ranting against the Ethiopia-Somaliland Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), catapulted Somaliland to Americans’ attention. There’s now a
Here’s the full interview that I gave to The Epoch Times’ Nalova Akua about the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding between Ethiopia and Somaliland, excerpts of which were included in his article titled “Ethiopia’s Contentious
Cameroon separatist fighters Wednesday claimed responsibility for the killing of four government workers, including a policeman abducted Tuesday in the country’s restive English-speaking North-West region. Government officials say two of the hostages, including a government
At least five people, including Somali military officials and a United Arab Emirates (UAE) soldier, were killed on Saturday after a soldier opened fire at a military base in the capital Mogadishu, an army officer