The South Korean embassy in Tripoli will reopen in September and the country’s firms will resume suspended projects in Libya afterwards, the South Korean ambassador, Choi Sung-Soo, told the deputy head of the Presidential Council
Algérie: la série de limogeages touche de nouveau l’armée
Le général major Abderrazak Cherif, chef de la 4e région militaire, et Ahcène Tafer, le commandant des forces terrestres, ont été démis de leurs fonctions le 27 août. Une série de limogeages qui ouvre la
US Coordinator for Counterterrorism Nathan Sales to Visit Morocco
Ambassador Nathan Sales, US Coordinator for Counterterrorism, is traveling to Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco to discuss counterterrorism issues. Sales will “engage in bilateral discussions with his counterparts on countering violent extremism, foreign terrorist fighters, and
Libya’s oil crescent region is bracing for new armed conflict
The former chief of the Petroleum Facilities Guard (PFG) Ibrahim Jodran and Moamar Gaddafi’s tribal loyalists as well as Chadian rebels have been teaming up for a new alliance to carry out a military operation
National Centre for Disease Control warns of cholera outbreak in Libya as cases increase in Algeria
The Monitoring and Investigation Department of the National Centre for Disease Control has raised the level of preparedness to deal with the possibility of the transmission of cholera from Algeria to Libya, especially in border
France welcomes Italy’s call for international conference on Libya
The French Foreign Ministry welcomed the Italian government’s call to hold an international conference on Libya, considering Italy as a key partner in the Libyan file. The ministry confirmed in a statement its support for
Chad deploys military forces near north border with Libya
The State of Chad deployed ground forces and warplanes near its border with Libya, the American website Bloomberg reported, noting that the Chadian step comes in the context of strengthening its military presence near the
Algérie: 41 cas de choléra confirmés par le ministère de la Santé
Lors d’une conférence de presse tenue le 23 août, le ministère algérien de la Santé a reconnu officiellement que 41 cas de choléra ont été confirmés parmi les 88 personnes hospitalisées dans quatre wilayas: Alger,
Foreign Minister: Libya rejects Europe’s step to return migrants to Libya
The Foreign Minister of the Presidential Council, Mohamed Sayala, stressed that Libya completely rejects the process of returning illegal immigrants from Europe to its territory, calling on the international community to enhance their role with
Algérie: Abdelaziz Bouteflika réorganise l’armée
Abdelaziz Bouteflika a mis fin ce mercredi 22 août aux missions du patron de la Direction centrale de la sécurité de l’armée (DCSA), le général-major Mohamed Tirèche, dit «Lakhdar». L’annonce a été faite à la