Morocco has arrested 152 people, who will now face trial on accusations they used social media to incite an attempt at mass illegal migration into the adjacent Spanish enclave of Ceuta, a government spokesperson said.

Morocco has arrested 152 people, who will now face trial on accusations they used social media to incite an attempt at mass illegal migration into the adjacent Spanish enclave of Ceuta, a government spokesperson said.
Keir Starmer says he wants to learn from Italy’s ‘dramatic’ statistics. But a Guardian investigation reveals that EU money goes to officers who are involved in shocking abuse, leaving people to die in the desert
The ongoing rift between political leaders in eastern and western Libya briefly roiled the oil market last week, as both sides seek to control the state’s assets to further their objectives. As has been the
La justice tunisienne lui reproche d’avoir enfreint les règles sur les parrainages, comme les trois candidats écartés par la commission électorale en début de semaine, malgré la décision du tribunal administratif de les réintégrer dans
Analysis: A battle for control over Libya’s central bank has led rival political factions to shut down oil production, pushing up global prices. In recent weeks, Libya has been engulfed by rising tensions and confrontations.
The best scenario is that Algeria candidly explains its interests in this conflict to Russia and pledges not to provide any material support to the Tuaregs as a goodwill gesture for maintaining their strategic partnership.
Un tribunal algérien a remis en liberté jeudi, sous contrôle judiciaire étroit, Fethi Ghares, une figure de l’opposition, qui avait été arrêté mardi, dans l’attente de son procès pour outrage au président Abdelmadjid Tebboune, selon
Les autorités de l’Est de la Libye ont annoncé ce lundi 26 août 2024 la « fermeture de tous les gisements et terminaux pétroliers » ainsi que « l’arrêt des exportations jusqu’à nouvel ordre »,
La guerre civile en Libye est devenue une lutte de plus en plus géostratégique. Un accord négocié sous l’égide des Nations Unies et soutenu par les États non alignés est le meilleur moyen de parvenir
It is widely believed in Libya that Khalifa Haftar, the military commander of Libya’s eastern forces, sent the 95 men to receive military training from a private company called Milites Dei in White River. The