German newspaper said it had access to a conversation between a Polisario and an Iranian agent proving the nexus between the two countries. In a detailed article, the newspaper said it had consulted intelligence documents
En Algérie, l’opposante Amira Bouraoui condamnée à 10 ans de prison ferme
L’opposante franco-algérienne Amira Bouraoui, médecin de formation, a été condamnée, mardi, par contumace, à 10 ans de prison par le tribunal de Constantine, en Algérie. Elle était jugée pour “sortie illégale du territoire” après avoir
Five Ways That Russia Could Benefit If Bloomberg’s Report About Libyan Bases Is True
Russia would strengthen the North African dimension of its “Ummah Pivot”, complementarily optimize the security dimension of its African Pivot, and become a major powerbroker along the EU’s/NATO’s southern periphery. Bloomberg reported on Sunday that
Libya Tells Western Ambassadors To Go Home
Ambassadors of countries supporting Israel should leave Libya “immediately” and an embargo on oil and gas deliveries should be imposed if the “massacres” in Gaza continue, the Libyan parliament said in a statement on Wednesday.
The failed lessons of Libya
Europe has only itself to blame for the refugee crisis On 11 September, massive floods created by Storm Daniel ruptured two dams built in the Seventies to protect Derna in eastern Libya, exposing its denizens
En Tunisie, un projet de loi sur les associations pour réduire encore un peu plus la liberté d’expression
La menace planait depuis près de deux ans sur la société civile tunisienne. Elle risque désormais d’être mise à exécution. Au nom de la « souveraineté nationale », une proposition de loi visant à contrôler
Libya’s Rival Governments Propose Merger To Hold Elections – Analysis
Libya has found itself in an anomalous predicament. Its two deeply divided and competing governments are in rare accord about how to take the riven country forward – but the international community largely opposes them
Guerre Israël-Hamas : Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, des réactions contrastées
Au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient, les réactions face à l’offensive du Hamas contre Israël varient en fonction des liens entretenus avec Tel-Aviv. Mais les autorités doivent aussi composer avec une opinion publique totalement acquise à
After Libya’s floods, Russia throws its weight behind Haftar
Following the catastrophic flooding in Libya in early September, which primarily affected the eastern regions of the country, some hoped and anticipated that the country’s long-standing political divisions could be set aside. However, one month
Putin Orders Regrouping Of Wagner For Combat Missions – OpEd
In a significant development, the strongman of eastern Libya, Marshal Khalifa Haftar, the supremo of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces (LAAF), was received by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Thursday. Haftar “met with