When they hear an ominous buzz that sounds like a swarm of angry bees, the people of northern Ethiopia run for cover. They know a drone attack is beginning again. But for the villagers who

When they hear an ominous buzz that sounds like a swarm of angry bees, the people of northern Ethiopia run for cover. They know a drone attack is beginning again. But for the villagers who
A recent attack in Amarwa, Borno state, exposes the critical challenges faced by local hunters as they confront the ongoing insurgency. Hunters and members of the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) in Borno state, North
Before attacking a military base in Zamfara, the terrorists had served an eviction notice, asking villagers to vacate their communities. Their offence was allowing soldiers to raid their terror camps. In a broad daylight raid,
At least, the foreign media broke the news early May. And it may be understandable why local Russian media was quiet over the impact of western and European stringent sanctions on Russia’s state-run gas corporation
Such a thing never happened in the past one hundred years since the United States stepped out of the Western Hemisphere as an imperial power — an adversary barging into one of its military bases
Putschists in Niger who carried out a military coup last year ordered both French and US troops to leave the West African country. The Nigerian government said on Monday that it has no plan to
Le Niger a accueilli de nouveaux instructeurs russes et du matériel militaire, avec deux livraisons effectuées à Niamey dans des avions cargo, selon la télévision publique nigérienne. Cette arrivée survient moins d’un mois après l’arrivée
At least 1,000 Sudanese refugees have fled a camp run by the United Nations in northern Ethiopia following a series of shootings and robberies, three of the refugees and the United Nations said. The refugees
The Horn of Africa States region is part of Africa and shares many of its ills with the rest of the continent. These would include marginalization and dependence on others involving, in the main, foreign
Russia and Angola have had excellent relations dating from historical Soviet era. Russia, more or less, invested in Angola, even after the Soviet collapse political dialogues and economic cooperation have been the strategic focus in