Within the context of rapidly geopolitical changes and the Russia-Ukraine crisis, African leaders have to absolutely rethink and take strategies to save their straddling economy. Both situations have created increasing problems across the world. The

Within the context of rapidly geopolitical changes and the Russia-Ukraine crisis, African leaders have to absolutely rethink and take strategies to save their straddling economy. Both situations have created increasing problems across the world. The
Russia has noticeably intensified its diplomatic relationship with French-speaking Africa after the second Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg. It has focused on dealing with growing French neo-colonialism which obstructs Russia’s desire to expand geopolitical and
The world of today composes of some 196 countries of which some 194 are recognized as full members, including Palestine which was voted for full membership recently. However these countries, although independent of each other
Equatorial Guinea is a country that was freed from colonial rule but never truly escaped the influence of the economic superpowers in a globalized world. When Spain granted independence to the Republic of Equatorial Guinea
Les autorités de Mogadiscio ont demandé à l’ONU de mettre fin à sa mission politique présente en Somalie depuis plus de dix ans, avant l’expiration de son mandat en octobre prochain, a rapporté samedi, le
Selon Niamey, il y a au moins cinq camps de l’armée française sur la frontière entre les deux pays. Les autorités nigériennes ont annoncé le maintien de la fermeture de la frontière entre le Niger
Les Russes arrivent au Niger. Et les Américains s’en vont. Avec une certaine gêne réciproque. Mais aussi avec de bonnes manières. Dans un style militaire de part et d’autre. La junte militaire nigérienne a pris
The future of journalism, and I dare say of the world, may depend on humanity, adopting and implementing declarations like the one emanating from Western Sahara. The journalist is needed everywhere, but is endangered everywhere.
Nigeria has missed the opportunity to be a founding member of BRICS, that has been seeking doors for our countries to opt out of neo-colonial control. Last week, some of us wrote an open letter
It has been 70 years, at least, since the USA began it’s covert war against Eritrea. You could say it started when one of the infamous Dulles brothers, two of the founding fathers of the