Uganda is welcoming increasing numbers of Sudanese arrivals – over 33,000 people, 19,000 of whom have arrived in Kampala since the start of 2024, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said. Majority of the refugees

Uganda is welcoming increasing numbers of Sudanese arrivals – over 33,000 people, 19,000 of whom have arrived in Kampala since the start of 2024, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said. Majority of the refugees
Dans sa nouvelle enquête, le journaliste Maurin Picard s’intéresse à un épisode oublié de l’histoire de la Françafrique : le soutien apporté par le régime gaulliste à la sécession katangaise, dans l’ex-Congo belge, en 1961.
Au Bénin, la Cour de repression des infractions économiques et du terrorisme (Criet), juge ce lundi trois ressortissants nigériens dont la directrice générale adjointe de WAPCO Niger. Le procureur spécial les a inculpés vendredi pour
Les bases militaires françaises au Sénégal, en Côte d’Ivoire, au Tchad et au Gabon devraient être réduites à quelques centaines de soldats. Exception notoire : celle de Djibouti. Paris prévoit de réduire à quelques centaines
Au Burkina Faso, le silence du capitaine Ibrahim Traoré continue d’interroger : le chef de l’État est apparu furtivement à Ouagadougou ce 16 juin 2024 à l’occasion de la fête de la tabaski, alors que
About 600 U.S. military personnel remain in Niger, as American troops continue to withdraw from the country before a mid-September deadline, according to a senior U.S. defense official. “We are on track to be done
At least seven people have been killed in unrest in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo’s North Kivu province, local officials said on Saturday, after people took to the streets to protest against a surge in
A Romanian “mercenary” and two Congolese soldiers were killed, and a U.N. peacekeeper was wounded in three separate incidents in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, several sources said Sunday. A security official in the east
The election of the next president of the United States will be held this November. If he wins another term, Joe Biden’s policy on Africa is predictable because he has followed a consistent policy and
Kenyan President William Ruto is taking some ribbing in the media. About a year ago he was publicly lamenting how demeaning it was that African leaders all had to go off to foreign countries to