The BRICS foreign ministers meeting focused on diplomatic developments related to the Gaza war and efforts to ditch the US dollar in international trade, among other matters. Russia and China are seeking to enhance ties
La double peine des survivantes de Boko Haram
Enlevées enfants pour la plupart, ces femmes sont les grandes sacrifiées de la politique de pacification menée par l’Etat nigérian, souligne un rapport d’Amnesty International. Pour les rescapées de Boko Haram, la liberté a un
Le Sénégal, plateforme de transit du trafic international de cocaïne et nouveau pays consommateur
Les saisies de drogue en provenance d’Amérique latine et à destination de l’Europe se sont multipliées ces derniers mois, contraignant les autorités à renforcer leurs moyens de lutte. Les douaniers sénégalais ne chôment pas. Lundi
Sadat, the ‘Turkish Wagner’ whose shadow hangs over West Africa
The mercenaries in the private security company close to Turkish President Erdogan could play a growing role in Niger and Mali, following their operations in Libya and Azerbaijan. Are pro-Turkish Syrian mercenaries operating in Niger?
Migrants turn to Mauritania as new EU transit route
Thousands of Africans continue to try to reach Europe either over the Sahara Desert or by sea, facing inhumane conditions. The EU wants to discourage the trend, but migrants are increasingly going through Mauritania. Lala
At least 80 people killed by suspected ADF rebels in DRC
At least 80 people were killed between Tuesday, May 4, and Friday, May 7, in attacks by Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels in the villages of the Baswagha-Madiwe group, Beni territory (North Kivu), in the
Iran Arming Both Sides In Sudan’s Conflict With Weapons
Images recently published online reveal that both sides in Sudan’s yearlong conflict have armed their fighters with Iranian anti-tank missiles. The exact source of the Saeghe anti-tank guided missile system (ATGMS) remains unclear. Sudan’s state-owned
Nigériens arrêtés au Bénin : Niamey dénonce une «provocation» des autorités béninoises
Selon Niamey, les cinq personnes arrêtées étaient en mission officielle de supervision et de contrôle du chargement du pétrole brut nigérien. Les autorités nigériennes ont vivement réagi, samedi, à l’arrestation, par la police béninoise, de
Iran-Backed Houthi Rebels Abduct UN Employees
Latest Developments Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen abducted at least 15 Yemeni employees of United Nations (UN) and other international agencies on June 7. Houthi enforcers detained nine employees of UN agencies, three from the
What Italy’s Mattei Plan could mean for North Africa
In-depth: Italy’s ambitious new development plan aims to revolutionise its ties with Africa. But is it just about energy deals and stopping migration? Enrico Mattei was a leading figure in post-war Italy who went down