Key Takeaways: Niger. JNIM claimed an attack on a border post in northern Niger near the border with Algeria, marking the group’s first attack in far northern Niger. Nigerien Tuareg rebels also gave a competing

Key Takeaways: Niger. JNIM claimed an attack on a border post in northern Niger near the border with Algeria, marking the group’s first attack in far northern Niger. Nigerien Tuareg rebels also gave a competing
A plane downed in Sudan’s North Darfur state had Russian crew members and was being used by the army to resupply the besieged city of al-Fashir, according to the opposing faction and documents it said
At least 49 people were killed and dozens more wounded in a retaliatory attack by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on villages in East Al Jazirah, central Sudan. The attack, which targeted civilians, has triggered
This emerging front of the New Cold War will likely see the Sino-Russo Entente more closely coordinate against the US-led West there. Africa is increasingly figuring into major countries’ and organizations’ discussions due to its
The chaos that has engulfed Sudan since war broke out in April 2023 could make the country a nexus for terrorism that connects violent extremists in the Sahel with terror groups in Somalia and even
Les troupes de l’Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC), la coalition rebelle à laquelle appartient le M23, ont lancé une nouvelle offensive dans le Nord-Kivu, région déjà en proie à une instabilité chronique. Après de violents affrontements
Depuis plus de deux ans, l’importante agglomération du nord du pays est encerclée par des groupes djihadistes qui y font des incursions. L’ONG Médecins sans frontières (MSF) a déclaré lundi 21 octobre suspendre ses activités
Pour surmonter l’asymétrie actuelle des relations entre l’Afrique et la Chine, il faudra institutionnaliser un suivi africain plus solide et plus transparent des engagements, assurer une représentation stratégique, et exploiter l’expertise africaine. Alors que l’attention
Ethiopia’s aggression against Somalia this year, is as unexpected as anyone can imagine. Although the two countries were more or less at peace with each other for some two decades, it would appear the peace
Le pillage des richesses de l’Afrique pour sauver le climat. Le capitalisme vert est devenu la pire forme de pillage du continent africain. Il s’agit principalement de Lobito en Angola et de son chemin de