Les autorités de la république Centrafricaine ont réitéré leur demande de levée totale de l’embargo sur les armes lors d’une revue régulière de la Mission de paix en République centrafricaine, la Minusca. Alors que les
Uganda arrests 20 ‘collaborators’ in terror attack school massacre
Ugandan says suspects were arrested over a terror attack at a school that killed 42, including 37 students, and was blamed on Islamic State-linked group ADF Ugandan police stated on Monday that 20 people had
Islamic State affiliate expanding reach in DR Congo, UN experts say
A Ugandan armed group that killed dozens of school children last week is expanding its operations in Democratic Republic of Congo with funding from Islamic State, a United Nations group of experts said on Tuesday.
Counter-terrorism experts say Africa is the world’s terrorism hot spot with half of 2022′s victims
Counter-terrorism experts said Tuesday that Africa is now the world’s terrorism hot spot, with half of the victims killed last year in sub-Saharan Africa, though al-Qaida and Islamic State affiliates remain widespread, persistent and active
Sierra Leone opposition calls for election chief to resign
Sierra Leone’s leading opposition candidate has called for the country’s electoral commissioners to resign a week before a presidential poll, saying his party did not believe in their ability to hold free and fair elections.
RDC : 13 civils tués dans une attaque d’un groupe armé
Au moins treize personnes ont été tuées mercredi lors d’une attaque attribuée aux Forces démocratiques alliées (ADF), un groupe rebelle ayant des liens avec l’État islamique (EI), dans le nord-est de la République démocratique du
Les shebabs frappent de nouveau au Kenya
L’est du Kenya a vu les attaques des shebabs se multiplier ces dernières semaines. L’attaque de mardi, dans laquelle huit policiers kényans ont été tués dans le comté de Garissa, frontalier de la Somalie, serait
Nigerian Military Eliminates 42 Bandits, Terrorists, Apprehends 96 Others
The bandits were eliminated in various military operations in North-central, North-west in the last two weeks. In the last two weeks, Nigerian armed forces have eliminated 42 bandits, terrorists and other criminals in various operations
The Risk of Violent Inter-Communal Spillover in West Africa: Realities and Prescriptions
The Sahel region of West Africa suffers from escalating cycles of violence that have resulted in countless deaths of innocent people. Every month, thousands of children and adults, deprived of all of their belongings, arrive
RDC: recrudescence des violences aux portes de Kinshasa
Commencées dans la province de Mai-Ndombe depuis l’année dernière à partir d’un différend foncier entre les communautés teke d’une part et d’autres communautés dont les Yaka, les violences se rapprochent davantage de la capitale. Des