Every now and then the trade in human organs makes national, even international, news. In March 2023, a Nigerian politician, his wife and a medical middleman were found guilty of an organ-trafficking plot after they
Migrant numbers are rising: conflict, climate and harassment are forcing tens of millions to leave their homes
The number of forcibly displaced people increased to 108 million in 2022 and is expected to reach 117 million by the end of 2023, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). Of these, just
Wagner debacle in Russia raises red flags for African states and how they manage their security
The brief rebellion led against the Kremlin by the head of the Wagner mercenary forces in Russia last week sent shock waves across the world. This was no less true in Africa, where some countries
Africa Or Death? Prigozhin Unlikely To Remain In Belarus For Long – Analysis
Yevgeny Prigozhin, the 62-year-old former petty criminal-turned-restauranteur-billionaire warlord, has tackled many difficult assignments over the years as a Kremlin fixer: from propping up kleptocratic, authoritarian African rulers to sacking the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. Now,
Rébellion avortée de Wagner: quelles suites pour le groupe paramilitaire russe en Afrique?
Quelles conséquences potentielles après la rébellion menée le 24 juin 2023 par Evgueni Prigojine et ses hommes de Wagner contre le Kremlin ? Va-t-on vers une modification de la présence russe en Afrique ? Les
Présidentielle en Sierra Leone : la police disperse des opposants dans l’attente des résultats
À Freetown, la police a annoncé dimanche avoir dispersé des opposants avec des gaz lacrymogènes, au lendemain de la présidentielle. Samura Kamara, rival du président sortant Julius Maada Bio dans cette élection, a indiqué de
The Horn Of Africa States: The Politics And Economics Of Water Issues – OpEd
Whenever water issues are raised, the Horn of Africa States region is one of the few places that come to mind. But this is a phenomenon that is no longer unique to the region. It
Muslim countries refused to be satellites of WashingtonThe territory of the Middle East (from Western Asia to North Africa) has always attracted foreign powers. First, the region is the main source of hydrocarbon production, primarily
UN officials warn of impact on Horn of Africa if Black Sea grain deal ends
An end to the Black Sea grains deal would hit the Horn of Africa hard, aid officials said on Monday, warning that another hike in food prices would add to the tens of millions of
La situation sécuritaire dans l’est de la RDC continue de se détériorer
Une haute responsable des Nations Unies a prévenu lundi le Conseil de sécurité que la situation sécuritaire dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) a continué de se détériorer au cours des trois