Euphoric crowds in the streets of Gabon and Niger have been celebrating military coups in recent weeks. The same scenes of postcoup jubilation erupted in Burkina Faso last year, and in Mali the year before.
Senior Al-Shabaab leaders killed in Somalia
An operation waged by the Somali National Army [SNA] has left three Al-Shabaab militants dead in Somalia, state media confirmed, following the commencement of the follow-up military exercises in central regions where President Hassan Sheikh
The Horn Of Africa States: Somalia To Lose Its Sovereignty – OpEd
The vision of the EAC is “To be a prosperous, competitive, secure, stable and politically united East Africa”. The EAC represents seven countries at present from East and Central Africa. Yet the name remains the
The Horn Of Africa States: Story Of Confused Somalia Governance – OpEd
Given FactsSomalia’s government collapsed in early 1991 when the long-ruling military regime vacated the seat of Somalia’s center of power. The period from 1991 to 2012 saw chaos reign over the country when the nomadic
Gabon Coup: Another Instance Of Colonial Legacy? – Analysis
Gabon, a Central African country rated 35th in terms of oil reserves and producing roughly 0.1% of total global oil output, was thrown into upheaval on August 30, 2023, by a military revolt. This coup
République démocratique du Congo : des rescapés de la répression militaire meurtrière témoignent, “Nous étions non-violents”
Une semaine après “le massacre” d’une cinquantaine de civils par les Forces armées de République démocratique du Congo dans la ville de Goma au Nord-Kivu, l’incertitude demeure sur le déroulement de l’enquête malgré l’arrestation, l’interpellation
Les fondements historiques de la France en Afrique se détruisent brusquement
«Les fondements historiques de la France en Afrique ont été ébranlés», ont rapporté certains journaux français dernièrement. Ils se sont penchés sur les récents coups d’État successifs dans les pays africains, alliés de Paris. La
Les militaires africains se rebellent contre l’emprise de la France
Les militaires renversent les dictateurs qui ont régné pendant des décennies. Le secrétaire général de l’ONU Antonio Guterres est devenu plus complaisant envers les putschistes qui ont renversé le président du Gabon Ali Bongo le
Upheaval In The ‘Coup Belt’ Will Add To Migrant Flows – Analysis
The so-called “coup belt” in Africa, which includes almost all the countries of the Sahel, are in confrontation with the Economic Community of West African States. There are also a myriad of Al-Qaeda and Daesh
African Union Becomes G20 Member – OpEd
Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, chairing the G20 summit, has confirmed that the Group of 20 nations agreed to grant the African Union (AU) permanent membership status in an appreciable move aimed at offering