Le Premier ministre Félix Moloua et les principaux cadres restent en place. On ne sait pas s’il avait formellement déposé sa démission. Les dix entrants dans cette équipe de trente-deux membres se sont pour la

Le Premier ministre Félix Moloua et les principaux cadres restent en place. On ne sait pas s’il avait formellement déposé sa démission. Les dix entrants dans cette équipe de trente-deux membres se sont pour la
For several weeks now the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in Yemen have been attacking commercial shipping and international warships in the Red Sea. According to US Central Command, there have been almost 30 attacks involving anti-ship
The expectation was that the Ethiopian Administration (“EA”), which came to power in 2018 would prepare the region for a peaceful future and development and a breathing moment for the international community which was getting
Ethiopia, after attaining fully-fledged BRICS (an association consisting of nations) membership beginning 2024, has suddenly come under global condemnation over recognizing its neighbour Somaliland. As it political development stands, Ethiopia became the first African nation
Through its Yemeni proxy the Houthis, Iran can successfully target global supply chains, threatening freedom of navigation and maritime security with strikes in the Bab al-Mandab. The multinational effort to thwart these disruptions, Operation Prosperity
Post-war states in Africa are more often than not characterized by long, protracted wrangles and a common failure to live up to peace agreements, regardless of interventions made by both internal and external parties. This
Le référendum constitutionnel très contrôlé organisé par la junte militaire de Mahamat Déby semble en passe de donner des chances de réussite aux plans des militaires visant à conserver indéfiniment le pouvoir. Le référendum constitutionnel
La culture du professionnalisme militaire qui s’est développée au Sénégal résulte d’un effort délibéré et de longue haleine pour inculquer les valeurs du service, de la méritocratie et du respect des valeurs démocratiques. Les forces
Attempts to promote “stability” in 2019 bear predictable consequences in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s most recent election. December’s general elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo unfolded as many had predicted. Election day was
The appeal comes after tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia have flared since Monday, January 1, when the latter country signed a 50-year maritime access deal with the Somalian separatist region of Somaliland. The African Union