India and China, the world’s two most populous nations with over 1.4 billion people each, are expected to be outranked by sub-Saharan Africa in the 2030s. A new analysis by the Washington-based Population Reference Bureau
As terrorist groups expand in the Sahel, is Algeria the missing link?
Over the past two years, the steady expansion of terrorist and fundamentalist threats in the Sahel has not gotten the attention it deserves given the region’s repeated military coups and political turmoil. Due to the
The central Sahel — Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger — has changed dramatically since the armed insurgencies that emerged in northern Mali in 2012. The resulting deterioration in security has been worse and more far
Récupérer les revenus d’al Shabaab
Pour couper les revenus annuels d’al Shabaab, estimés à 100 millions de dollars et générés par les extorsions, il faudra rétablir l’intégrité des agences financières, judiciaires et de renseignement compromises de la Somalie. Malgré les
Expulsion of 7,000 Migrants From Algeria Puts Pressure on Niger
Since January several flows of emigrants expelled by Algerian authorities have been constantly arriving in the town of Assamaka. Niger Interior Minister Hamadou Amadou Souley fears the emergence of a humanitarian crisis in Assamaka, a
Négationnistes noirs et blancs
La saillie inattendue du rappeur Maître Gims a provoqué un torrent d’insultes de la part des discoureurs français. Négationniste, s’est écrié sur CNews Mathieu Bockcoté, au bord de l’apoplexie ! La semaine dernière les plus
South Sudan’s Fragile Peace Imperiled By Chaos Across The Border In Sudan – Analysis
The government of South Sudan has expressed deep concern over the fighting in neighboring Sudan, which it fears could spill across the border and threaten its fragile peace process. The conflict between the Sudanese army
Morocco arrests 13 suspected terrorists linked to Daesh
Moroccan security forces carried out a multiple and coordinated anti-terrorist operation in ten cities in the country A new successful operation by Moroccan security forces. This time, the Moroccan anti-terrorist services arrested 13 suspected jihadists
Burkina Faso: les autorités, la Cédéao et un collectif condamnent chacun la tuerie de Karma
Le 20 avril 2023, des hommes en uniformes militaires ont encerclé le village de Karma au nord du Burkina Faso. Bilan : 60 civils ont été tués selon un procureur, près d’une centaine selon des
Au Mali, face à Assimi Goïta, l’héritage fracturé du M5-RFP
Meneur de la contestation contre Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, le Mouvement du 5 juin-Rassemblement des forces patriotiques a depuis implosé. Alors qu’une frange du mouvement a rejoint Assimi Goïta, une autre peine à s’imposer face à