La Ligue algérienne de défense des droits de l’homme (LADDH) dénonce un « acharnement continu » contre elle et d’autres organisations. La Ligue algérienne de défense des droits de l’homme (LADDH) a annoncé, dimanche 22
Le patron de l’armée algérienne en visite officielle en France
Le chef d’état-major algérien Saïd Chengriha entame lundi une visite officielle en France, la première en 17 ans d’un patron de l’armée algérienne, à l’invitation de son homologue français Thierry Burkhard, a annoncé le ministère
Somalie: 6 morts dans une attaque terroriste à Mogadiscio
Un bilan provisoire fait état d’au moins six personnes tuées, dimanche, dans une attaque terroriste visant le siège de la municipalité de la capitale somalienne Mogadiscio, selon la police locale. Une explosion déclenchée par un
Suspected Islamists Kill 23 in East DR Congo Attack
Suspected Allied Democratic Forces fighters have killed at least 23 people in an attack in eastern DR Congo, local officials said Monday, in the latest violence in the turbulent region. The attack occurred overnight on
Yellen: Russian Oil Price Cap Could Save African Countries $6bn Annually
Russia’s war in Ukraine is hitting Africans particularly hard by exacerbating food insecurity and putting an unnecessary drag on the continent’s economy, United States Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, has said. Yellen noted that ending the
South Africa, Russia deepen military ties
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was in Pretoria on Monday for talks with one of Moscow’s most important allies in Africa. The visit comes as South Africa prepares for joint naval drills with Russia and China
Fact-check: Did Nigerian Forces Kill Foreigners Looking For Minerals In Lake Chad?
A viral video is being misrepresented to suggest the presence of Westerners fighting for Boko Haram. A video is being shared online alongside claims that it shows Nigerian military forces with dead Canadian and French
A Breakthrough in Sudan’s Impasse?
Sudan’s military leader, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, says the army will step aside to make way for a civilian government. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Alan Boswell discusses why a solution for the political
A Critical Window to Bolster Sudan’s Next Government
A deal between Sudan’s military and its factious political elites has opened the door to installing a civilian government. Signatories should work to win broader support during the current phase of negotiations, while outside actors
Russia Scrambling For Africa’s Resources – OpEd
An undeniable fact is that Africa’s G5 Sahel (Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger) and Central African Republic (CAR) have bartered their natural resources for Soviet-era and Russian military weapons and equipment. The G5